國立臺灣師範大學公民教育與活動領導學系劉若蘭2014-12-022014-12-022011-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42124本研究目的為追蹤比較第一代與非第一代大學生入學特質、校園經驗、學習成果與 就業情形的關係模式。運用台灣高等教育資料庫92學年度入學之大一學生資料,探討比 較第一代與非第一代大學生的家庭背景與入學特質,對於其94學年度大三時的校園經驗 與學習成果的影響,以及所有變項對於其95學年度畢業後一年就業情形的影響路徑。台 灣高等教育急速成長,學生來源與背景日益多元,不同社經背景的學生都有就讀大學的 機會,然而,第一代大學生的父母沒有接受過大學教育,本身所擁有的文化資本與大學 教育的要求可能有所差距,較無法直接提供下一代在學習上需要的協助或資源,因此, 他們的子女想要在強調競爭的學校教育環境完成學業並就業,會在機會不均等的情況 下,面對較多的困難。美國過去許多研究顯示,第一代大學生在很多面向上都處於弱勢, 台灣目前相關研究缺乏,顯見這類學生在台灣尚未受到注意,為落實教育機會均等的理 念,我們有必要對台灣的第一代大學生開始進行研究。本研究樣本為相同樣本追蹤調查 三次,歷經五年的時間,可以較為完整的了解影響第一代與非第一代大學生學習成果與 就業情形之影響因素與路徑,以提供相關單位規劃教育政策與輔導措施之參考。The purposes of this study were to explore the impact model of pre-collegiate traits, campus experiences, learning outcomes on employments and compare the differences between the models for first-generation and non-first-generation college students. The data of the study collected from the freshmen survey on 2003, junior survey on 2005 and one year after graduation survey on 2008 of higher education data base built by Center for Research on Educational Evaluation and Development at National Taiwan Normal University. The expansion of higher education in Taiwan makes more students with different backgrounds enroll in colleges, their learning experiences and outcomes would be different. Many studies in U.S showed that the first-generation college students whose parents do not have bachelor’s degree have encountered more difficulties, but few researchers in Taiwan studied this topic. For the equality of education, we need more information about first-generation college students and help them to succeed. The participants collected from 2003 to 2008 were all the same in this longitudinal study. Data analysis was using Structural Equation Modeling to test the fitness of the model and compare the differences between the models for first-generation and non-first-generation college students. Finally, recommendations for policy and practice will be presented.入學特質第一代大學生校園經驗學習成果就業情形campus experiencesemploymentsfirst-generation college studentlearning outcomespre-collegiate traits第一代與非第一代大學生入學特質、校園經驗、學習成果與就業情形模式之追蹤比較研究First-Generation and Non-First-Generation College Students--- A Longitudinal Comparative Study of Impact Model of Pre-Collegiate Traits, Campus Experiences, Learning Outcomes on Employments