鄭志富Chih-fu Cheng胡信吉Hsin-chi Hu2019-09-052003-2-202019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000048%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105988並探討不同背景變項在休閒活動參與及阻礙因素之差異情形。 本研究採問卷調查法進行資料之收集,以花蓮地區青少年學生研究對象,樣本的選取採叢集抽樣法,從38所國、高中(職)學校中抽取16所學校,得有效問卷1064份。並將所得之有效問卷分別以描述統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究發現如下: 一、 休閒活動參與之情形 (一) 花蓮地區青少年實際參與休閒活動項目,前十項依序為:看電視、聽音樂、聊天、騎腳踏車、打電玩、打球、上網(找資料)、逛街購物、看漫畫、看報章雜誌。 (二) 實際參與休閒活動類型之排序情形,依序為:「娛樂性」、「社交服務性」、「知識性」、「體能性」、「藝文性」。 二、 休閒阻礙因素 (一) 影響花蓮地區青少年參與休閒活動的阻礙因素,前五項依序為:時間、課業壓力、天候因素、家人態度及休閒場所距離。 (二) 花蓮地區青少年休閒阻礙因素類型之強弱程度排序情形依序為:「課業因素」、「外在因素」、「師長因素」、「個人因素」、「休閒資源」。 三、 不同背景變項與休閒活動參與之差異比較 (一) 參與休閒活動類型方面:花蓮地區青少年在不同性別、教育程度、居住區域、族群及休閒費用等背景變項中,實際參與休閒活動類型有顯著差異。 (二) 休閒活動的參與頻率方面:不同背景變項(教育程度、居住區域、族群、休閒費用)之花蓮地區青少年,在實際參與休閒活動的頻率有顯著差異。 四、 不同背景變項與休閒阻礙因素之差異比較 (一) 休閒阻礙類型方面:花蓮地區青少年在不同性別、教育程度、居住區域、族群及休閒費用等背景變項中,各類型的休閒阻礙有顯著差異。 (二) 休閒活動的阻礙程度方面:不同背景變項(性別、教育程度、族群)之花蓮地區青少年學生,在參與休閒活動的阻礙程度有顯著差異。The major purpose of this research lay in the factors resulting in the status quo and barriers of the teenagers’ participating in recreation in Hualien area. Furthermore, the difference between the factors with different backgrounds and participation and barriers in recreation was also under investigation. Questionnaires survey was the way for material gathering of this research; the teenage students in Hualien area were the main targets, and the samples were chosen according to the cluster sampling, 16 schools picked from 38 junior and (vocational) senior high schools with the return of 1064 valid questionnaires. Those valid questionnaires were analyzed in the statistical methods, description statistics, t - test, one-way ANOVA. The results were as following: 1. The situation of the participation in leisure activities: (1) The top ten leisure activities which teenagers’ in Hualien area really participate in were: watching TV, listening to music, chatting, riding bikes, playing video game, playing sports, surfing the net (material searching), shopping, reading comic books and reading the newspapers and magazines. (2) The categories of the leisure activities were: “entertainment”, “social service”, “knowledge”, “physics”, and “art”. 2. The factors of leisure barriers: (1) The top five leisure barriers affecting the participation of Hualien teenagers’ in leisure activities were: time, schoolwork pressure, weather, attitude of family, and the distance from the spot. (2) According to the intensity, the factors of leisure barriers in the participation of the teenagers’ in leisure activities were categorized as following: “schoolwork factor”, “external factor”, “instructors factor”, “personal factor”, and “recreational resources”. 3. The comparison of divergence in the factors of difference backgrounds and leisure activities participation: (1) The categories of the leisure activities participation: for the teenagers’ in Hualien area, there was obvious divergence in the categories of the leisure activities participation and the different background factors, such as sex, educational degree, districts, tribes, and recreational fees. (2) The frequency of the leisure activities participation: for the teenagers’ in Hualien area, there was obvious divergence in the frequency of the leisure activities participation and the different background factors (educational degree, districts, tribes, and recreational fees). 4. The comparison of divergence in the factors of difference backgrounds and the factors of leisure barriers: (1) The categories of leisure barriers: for the teenagers’ in Hualien area, there was obvious divergence in the categories of leisure barriers and the different background factors, such as sex, educational degree, districts, tribes, and recreational fees. (2) The degree of the barriers in leisure activities: for the teenagers’ in Hualien area, there was obvious divergence in the degree of the barriers in leisure activities and the different background factors (sex, educational degree, and tribes).休閒休閒活動休閒參與頻率休閒阻礙因素recreationleisure activityfrequency of recreationparticipatingleisure barrier factor花蓮地區青少年休閒活動現況與休閒阻礙因素之研究A Study of Status quo and Barriers for the Teenagers’Participating in Recreation in Hualien Area