張中倩Karen Chung-chien Chang2019-08-122019-08-122017-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80905本文著重探討大學生英文寫作之學習,主要檢視其自我調整程度及學習投入程度之間的關係。本研究設計以台灣北部某一國立大學應用外語系的學生為研究主體,共28 人,寫作課程採多稿設計,學生們在一學期18 週中,須完成四個文體寫作,每個文體須採三稿制,教師在每稿均提供反饋,學生藉由了解教師反饋、進行修稿,來精進自身的英文寫作。本研究探討兩個問題,首先透過自我決定理論問卷,來檢視大學生參與英文多稿寫作的動機因素,並透過問卷結果計算出學生個人的相對自主指數,藉以檢視學生參與寫作、修稿的原因為何?第二,本研究檢視學生一稿到三稿所接到的教師評語回饋減少程度,藉此探討學生在修稿方面的投入程度,總共檢視224 份文稿。研究結果發現,絕大部分學生積極參與英文寫作及修稿是因為想要增進自身的分析能力、英文寫作能力,並希望對其未來生涯有所助益。另外,在28 位學生中,有18 位學生的「相對自主指數」與其「自我調整行為」顯示強烈的一致性,學生「相對自主指數」的高低,可以對應到他們「自我調整行為」的高低,進一步的訪談結果顯示學生的學期課程負荷量、個人課外活動多寡、對文體的喜好程度,都會影響他們在寫作、修稿時的投入程度。Autonomous learners are described as those who assume responsibility for and take charge of their own learning. However, research has pointed out that autonomy does not represent a fixed state but a developmental continuum, making it difficult to measure those in the transition of becoming autonomous. As one’s autonomy development can be explained by one’s self-regulatory behaviors, a learner’s development of autonomy can be investigated through how he/she evaluates his/her participation in a learning task. This study aimed to explore students’ self-regulation levels in the participation of writing assignments and revisions and their task engagement during the multi-drafting revision process. Twenty-eight students participated in this study. In an 18-week semester, the students were required to complete four writing projects, each with three drafts. The students received teacher feedback for revising their works. Data collection tools included one survey, students’ drafts, and one interview. The survey assessed the students’ learning attitudes/beliefs and their behavioral regulation; the writing drafts were used to identify their task engagement in revising from the first to the final drafts; the interview was further conducted to investigate factors affecting the students’ development of self-regulatory behaviors and task engagement. The findings showed that more than 90% of the students perceived writing as a good way to improve their analytical skills, master the English language, gain a sense of pride in their own ability, and enhance their future career. In addition, among the 28 students, 18 students demonstrated consistency between their Relative Autonomous Indexes (RAIs) and their task engagement levels. Another ten students were further interviewed, and their responses indicated that semester workload, extracurricular activities, and genre preference could impact one’s task engagement level in the revision process.自我調整行為相對自主指數學習自主學習者態度learner’s attitudes/beliefslearner autonomyRelative Autonomy Indexself-regulated behaviors英作課程實施成效:學習者態度及自我調整如何影響其多稿寫作之過程Examining Learners’ Self-regulatory Behaviors and Their Task Engagement in Writing Revision