周仲賢Chung-Hsien Chou2022-05-162022-05-162021-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115987我國自108學年推動的十二年國民基本教育課程,其「自發」、「互動」、「共好」的理念及其核心素養,與先秦儒家重要經典《周易》的思想要旨─人我生命的維護、發揮及共榮之「生命之美」,內涵有所契合。《周易》闡發天地創生化育萬物生生不息之精神,認為人稟賦於「天」而同具「生生仁德」,並提示人須培養品德,實踐「時中」之道,以能審時度勢、持守中道、恰如其分地在生活世界中應對進退,展現人我生命良好的互動,成就自我生命價值,進而與其他生命和諧共榮。《周易》蘊含「成己成人」修德工夫,包括觀察認識、效法楷模、遵循規範、養成習慣、反身省察、慎思明辨以及自發主動、與友互學、改過遷善等,對實現「生命之美」而培養品德之「德育」實施,在原則與方法上有重要的啟示,值得參採省思。The Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education was implemented in Taiwan from 2019. Adopting the concepts of taking initiative, engaging in interaction, and seeking the common good, it embodies the creation, development, and realization of every life, and corresponds with ZhouYi's main idea. ZhouYi elucidates that the movement of "yin" and "yang" makes every creature live and grow continuously. On the basis of this moral law of heaven, people are endowed with "benevolence", and thus they should cultivate the "practical wisdom" to act appropriately in any time and situation to demonstrate the good interaction between people and achieve the value of everyone's life. This paper discovers that cultivating in people the four virtues of being benevolent, well-mannered, righteous, and wise is the subject matter to make everyone be able to do right things in right space and time in order to achieve all creatures' life values. Therefore, according to ZhouYi, people must be taught by the ways of observing, following the norms, learning from good persons, developing good habits, reflecting deeply, and deliberating how to make a right decision, being proactive in studying and mending our ways.周易德育生命之美時中十二年國民基本教育ZhouYi (The Book of Changes)moral educationthe flourishing of lifepractical wisdom12-Year Basic Education《周易》「生命之美」之蘊義對我國十二年國民基本教育之德育啟示The Implications of the Flourishing Life in ZhouYi for Moral Education of the 12-Year Basic Education in Taiwan