呂光洋博士Kuang-Yang Lue李詩雯Li, Shih-Wen2019-09-052012-8-292019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697430195%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104296草蜥屬(Takydromus)隸屬於正蜥科(Lacertidae),台灣產草蜥屬蜥蜴目前記錄包括台灣草蜥(Takydromus formosanus), 雪山草蜥(Takydromus hsuehshanensis), 古氏草蜥(Takydromus kuehnei), 鹿野草蜥(Takydromus luyeanus), 梭德氏草蜥(Takydromus sauteri), 北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis), 蓬萊草蜥(Takydromus stejnegeri)與翠斑草蜥(Takydromus viridipunctatu)共八種。前人利用形態特徵、粒線體基因來探討草蜥屬分類與親緣關係,然核型資料卻相當缺乏。本研究探討台灣產8種草蜥的核型資料,並加入前人研究的黑龍江草蜥(Takydromus amurensis)、南草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis) 與白條草蜥(Takydromus wolteri)資料討論彼此可能關係。   結果發現草蜥屬不同物種的核型相似度高,皆為端著絲點(Telocentric)染色體,可依照對數和性染色體形態分為三群:第一群2n=38~42,具同型性染色體,包含古氏草蜥與泰國族群的南草蜥,第二群2n=40,具異型性染色體,僅梭德氏草蜥一種,第三群2n=38,具異型性染色體,包括台灣草蜥、翠斑草蜥、鹿野草蜥、雪山草蜥、蓬萊草蜥、北草蜥、廣西族群的南草蜥、黑龍江草蜥與白條草蜥,根據爬蟲類演化趨勢及外群染色體數目的比較,推測草蜥屬染色體數目2n=38是演化過程中較晚期出現的特徵。性染色體演化方面,不同大小的草蜥屬Z染色體可能經由體染色體接合並特化而形成,且分別來自不同的起源;而W染色體的相對長度在古老種類中較大,在年輕物種中較短的變化,也許和正蜥科其他類群的W染色體演化過程有相似的模式。The genus Takydromus belongs to the family Lacertidae. Eight species of grass lizard were recorded in Taiwan, including Takydromus formosanus, Takydromus hsuehshanensis, Takydromus kuehnei, Takydromus luyeanus, Takydromus sauteri, Takydromus septentrionalis, Takydromus stejnegeri and Takydromus viridipunctatu. Most of them are endemic to Taiwan except Takydromus kuehnei and Takydromus septentrionalis. The classification and phylogeny of the genus Takydromus were constructed by morphological characteristics and mitochondrial gene, without kayotype study. In this study I did kayotypes of all Takydromus in Taiwan, and discussed their relationships with Takydromus amurensis, Takydromus septentrionalis and Takydromus wolteri which originate in China. The kayotypes among species within the genus in Taiwan showed high similarity, all with telocentric chromosomes, and they can be divided into 3 groups based on diploid numbers and types of sex chromosomes: The first group with 38-42 chromosomes and homomorphic sex chromosomes included T. kuehnei and T. septentrionalis. The second group with 40 chromosomes and heteromorphic sex chromosomes included T. sauteri only. The other group comprises the remaining species with 38 chromosomes and heteromorphical sex chromosomes. According to the trend in the evolution of reptilian chromosomes and the diploid numbers of outgroup, 2n=38 was considered as the results from the deduction of chromosome numbers in the evolution process of Takydromus lizards. Looking at sex chromosome, Z chromosomes were different in size among species investigation which may be originated independently by fusion of autosomes. Evolution of W chromosomes exhibited a trend which was larger in older species while smaller in species evolved later. It may be followed the same steps in evolution of other families of Lacertidae.草蜥核型染色體性染色體Grass lizardTakydromusKayotypeChromosomeSex chromosome台灣產草蜥屬核型之研究The Study on Karyotypes of Grass Lizards (Lacertidae: Takydromus spp.)in Taiwan