柯皓仁KE, Hao-Ren王佑瑄WANG, Yu-Hsuan2019-08-282017-8-182019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001153118%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89071矯正機構圖書館是矯正機構中的文教樞紐,如果矯正機構圖書館能夠提供收容人休閒娛樂、文化教育服務,更能突顯圖書館在扮演收容人矯治教育中的重要性,幫助他們矯正心智與減少再犯率,讓收容人能夠在刑期屆滿之後,回歸社會以適應環境。目前國內的矯正機構雖有設置圖書室或圖書館,但礙於大眾觀念與資金預算的問題,圖書館在矯正機構中往往是不被重視的一個單位。收容人也有閱讀的權利,矯正機構的圖書館可以幫助他們行使這一權利。 本研究透過問卷調查瞭解國內矯正機構圖書館的現況,探討圖書館這個開放的有機體如何有效地將資訊資源輸入矯正機構等封閉性組織體系,並透過訪談法瞭解法務部矯正署桃園少年輔育院的圖書室使用情形與探討院內少年收容人的使用需求,期能幫助收容人運用圖書館、感受閱讀的美好,培養正向思維,遷過向善重新出發。 本研究針對矯正機構圖書館提出的結論如後:(一)矯正機構缺乏一套完善的圖書館體系及有效的管理機制;(二)國內矯正機構圖書館館藏資源不足;(三)矯正機構開始與公共圖書館出現合作關係。針對桃園少年輔育院圖書室與少年收容人使用需求所提出結論:(一)圖書室缺乏購書經費與人力編制;(二)館藏資源有賴外界協助;(三)圖書室缺乏推廣行銷。針對少年收容人對圖書室的使用需求結論如下:(一)少年收容人缺乏閱讀興趣的培養;(二)讀書會與圖書室關聯性不高;(三)對圖書室的認同感不足。 根據研究結果,本研究針對政府機關提出三項建議:(一)政府應針對矯正機構訂定圖書館服務指導方針;(二)政府應提供妥善的矯正機構圖書館館藏發展政策;(三)政府應提供矯正機構與公共圖書館等文化單位的合作管道。針對桃園少年輔育院提出五項建議:(一)應編列圖書室預算;(二)應與公共圖書館合作擴充館藏;(三)院方應培養收容人的閱讀興趣;(四)院內的閱讀推廣活動應與圖書室結合;(五)讓圖書室成為教學資源中心,以增加收容人對圖書室的認同度。Correctional facility libraries are the cultural and educational hubs in correctional facilities, where their importance in the correctional education for inmates are better demonstrated by providing recreational, cultural and educational services, helping inmates return to the society and adapt to the environment upon expiration of the sentence. Although domestic correctional facilities are equipped with reading rooms or libraries, they are usually not valued in the facilities due to the public perception and budget issues. Inmates have the right to read, and the correctional facility libraries may help them to exercise this right. The study investigated the current situation of domestic correctional facility libraries by questionnaire survey and discussed how an open organism like a library might effectively introduce information and resources to a closed organizational system like a correctional facility. The study, by the interview method, investigated the usage situation of the reading rooms of Taoyuan Reform School, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice, and discussed the needs of the juvenile inmates of the school, expecting to assist them to utilize the library, change habits, enjoy reading, develop positive thinking and restart with a new perspective. The conclusions of the investigation of correctional facility libraries are that: 1) the correctional facilities are lack of a complete library system and effective management mechanism, 2) domestic correction facility libraries own insufficient resources, and 3) a cooperative relationship is happening between the correctional facilities and public libraries. The study also proposed conclusions about the reading room of the Taoyuan Reform School and the needs of juvenile inmates. Conclusions about the reading room are that, 1) the reading room is lack of funding and human resource for book procurement, 2) the collection resource is dependent on external assistance, and 3) the reading room needs more promotion and marketing; while conclusions about the needs of juvenile inmates are that, 1) juvenile inmates are lack of interest in reading, 2) the book club events are not highly associated with the reading room, and 3) the juvenile inmates show inadequate sense of recognition with the reading room. According to the findings, the study proposed three suggestions for government agencies: 1) the government shall specify library service guidelines for correctional facilities, 2) the government shall provide proper collection resource development policy for correctional facility libraries, and 3) the government shall provide cooperation channels between correctional facilities and cultural public entities such as public libraries. For the Taoyuan Reform School, the study also proposed five suggestions: 1) reading room budgets shall be compiled, 2) the School shall cooperate with public libraries to expand the collection resource, 3) the School shall cultivate the inmates' interest in reading, 4) the reading promotion events shall be associated with the reading room, and 5) the reading room may serve as the teaching resource center, in order to enhance the recognition of the reading room among inmates.矯正機構少年輔育院矯正機構圖書館少年收容人correctional facilitiesjuvenile reformatory schoolcorrectional facility librariesjuvenile inmate矯正機構圖書館使用與收容人需求研究A Study on User Demands of Library Services in Correctional Facilities