李勤岸賴文星2019-08-292011-6-202019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098262106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93257本篇論文旨在探討新北市台語進階研習對教學效能的影響,再根據研究結果提出具體建議,期供教育局進行規劃台語進階研習和提升台語教學效能之參考。 研究方法以文獻分析法及問卷調查法為主,並以追踨訪談做質性研究。研究對象以隨機抽樣方式,抽取曾經參與新北市台語進階研習之公立國民小學現職教師650人為樣本。以「新北市台語進階研習對國小教師教學效能之影響調查問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查研究,有效樣本回收率為85%。將所得資料經統計方法分析,得到以下結論: 一、新北市台語進階研習對教師教學效能的提升達中上程度。 二、參與教師之背景變項對教學效能的影響有顯著差異。 三、參與教師之部份背景變項對教學效能的影響具有預測力。 根據以上結論,提出以下建議: 一、鼓勵教師積極參與台語進階研習課程,提升教學效能。 二、加強規劃台羅拼音的研習課程,增進台語拼音的教學技術。 三、鼓勵不同背景教師參與台語師資的相關研習,提升整體教學效能。 四、建立生活化的台語教學環境,提高教學成效。 五、規劃多元的台語研習課程,滿足教師專業成長需求。This research intends to explore theinfluences of advanced Taiwanese education on teaching efficiency, and to provide concrete suggestions based on which, in order to contribute to the planning of advanced education of Taiwanese by the Educational Bureau, as well as to improve the teaching efficiency of Taiwanese. The main research methods are documentary analysis and questionnaire survey, and follow-up interviews are conducted for qualitative research. The 650 test subjects are sampled randomly from those who have participated in the advanced Taiwanese education for in-service public elementary school teachers of New Taipei City. A questionnaire survey is conducted based with “The Questionnaires of the Influence of New Taipei City’s Advanced Taiwanese Education for Elementary School Teachers on Teaching efficiency.” The recovery of effective samples is 85%. According to the statistical analysis of the obtained data, the following conclusions are drawn: 1.The improvement on teaching efficiency by New Taipei City’s advanced Taiwanese education is to a higher-intermediate level. 2.There is a significant difference in the impact on teaching efficiency due to background variables of the participants. 3.Influences are predictable with certain background variables of the participants. Based on the above conclusion, the following suggestions are provided: 1.Teachers should be encouraged to participate actively in advanced courses of Taiwanese education, in order to improve their teaching efficiency. 2.Refine the planning of Taiwanese Romanization (Tâi-Lô) courses, and polish the teaching skills of Taiwanese Romanization. 3.Encouragement should be made to teachers of different backgrounds to participate in relative education for Taiwanese teaching, in order to improve teaching efficiency as a whole. 4.Daily life teaching environment should be created for Taiwanese education, to increase teaching efficiency. 5.Diverse educational courses of Taiwanese should be planned to satisfy the need of teacher’s professional development.台語教師專業成長教師研習教學效能Taiwaneseteacher's professional developmentteacher's educationteaching efficiency新北市現職國小台語教師教學效能調查─以參加過台語進階研習課程之教師為例The Research of the In-service Elementary School Taiwanese Teachers in New Taipei City on Teaching Efficiency—An Example of the Teachers Who Had Attended Advanced Taiwanese Education Courses