鍾志從顏嘉佑2019-08-282014-6-182019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699060310%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87131依據皮亞傑的認知發展理論,學齡前幼兒的認知發展處於前運思期階段,需透過具體實物的操作來幫助幼兒發展抽象的數學符號概念。然而,隨著數位化時代的來臨,今日幼兒所經驗的真實世界已然與過去大不相同,是否數位遊戲的符號可以取代具體實物提供幼兒學習?本研究藉由相同的數學內容,比較幼兒使用實物遊戲與數位遊戲兩種不同學習方式的表現差異。採用立意取樣方式,以151位台北市3所公立幼兒園中的四至六歲幼兒為研究對象。研究者透過自編的數學實物遊戲與數學數位遊戲「我會算算數」以及幼兒數學能力測驗─第二版,蒐集受試幼兒的數學實物、數位遊戲學習表現以及幼兒的數學能力等資料。研究結果如下:一、幼兒數學的實物遊戲表現優於數學的數位遊戲學習表現。二、幼兒在數學實物遊戲、數學數位遊戲學習的表現,男生比女生好。三、幼兒在數學實物遊戲、數學數位遊戲學習的表現,五歲組比四歲組好。四、幼兒在數學實物遊戲、數學數位遊戲學習的表現,不會因社經地位不同而有所不同。五、有電腦接觸經驗的幼兒比沒有電腦接觸經驗的幼兒,在數學數位遊戲學習的表現較好。六、幼兒的數學能力在數學實物遊戲學習與數學數位遊戲學習表現上具有調節的作用,也就是說,對具有較高數學能力的幼兒來說,較不易受到認知發展的限制,而能將其能力反映在數學的數位遊戲學習表現上;但是,低數學能力的幼兒可能認知發展尚未成熟,同時,他們進行較抽象的運思能力也較低,因此較不適合直接以數位遊戲學習的方式來進行數學學習。This study was to investigate the difference of young children’s mathematical performance between the physical game-based learning and the digital game-based learning. Researcher used purposive sampling. The 151 four to five-year-old children from three public kindergartens in Taipei, participated in this study. They completed two tasks and one test, i.e., "I will calculate the number displayed in physical game “, "I will calculate the number displayed in digital game“, and the TEMA-2. By using the SPSS19.0, the results showed as follows: 1. Young children's mathematical performance in the physical games was better than it in the digital games. 2. Boys got better scores than girls in both physical and digital math games. 3. Five-year-olds performed better in both physical and digital math games than the four-year-olds. 4. The young children’s scores in the physical math games would not be influenced by social-economic status, either in the digital math games. 5. The young children who had the computer contact experience got the higher scores than those who hadn’t the computer contact experience. 6. Young children's mathematical ability played the modulated function between their physical game-based math learning and digital game-based math learning.幼兒幼兒數學能力實物遊戲學習數位遊戲學習young childrenmathematical abilitiesphysical game-based math learningdigital game-based math learning幼兒數學實物與數位遊戲學習的成效探討The Effectiveness between the Physical Game and the Digital Game in Young Children’s Mathematical Learning