湯仁燕Tang, Ren-Yen李宜靜LEE, YI-JING2023-12-082023-02-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f0adc07c28203ab8a0f7b012c3d2fb61/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119451本研究採行動研究法,旨在探討技術型高中國語文聆聽素養導向課程之實踐歷程。研究者在梳理相關文獻資料後,據以設計並實施技術型高中國語文聆聽素養導向課程方案,從中探討在教學設計與課程實施的過程、分析學生學習成效,並省思課程實踐之困境及教師的專業成長。研究結果如下:壹、教師在設計、實施國語文聆聽素養導向課程時,須融合技術型高中的群科特色,呼應素養導向的精神,選擇教學單元以突破學生的學習困境、學習目標注重學習與生活之連結、營造互動自主的學習氛圍、以多元評量檢視學習的成果、課程設計著重文本與實際生活情境的連結。 貳、實踐技術型高中國語文聆聽素養導向課程,對於培養學生的聆聽專注力、理解力、感受力、回應力均有正面影響。 參、實踐技術型高中國語文聆聽素養導向課程的困境包含課程設計不易、教學時數有限、師生角色改變等,可從充實課程設計與實踐的能力、擬定學習步驟、融合群科特色等面向因應之;帶給教師的專業成長則包含提升國語文課程設計與教學專業能力及點燃教與學的熱情。This research adopts the action research method, aiming to explore the practice process of the Chinese listening literacy-oriented curriculum for vocational high school. After sorting out the relevant literature, the researchers designed and implemented action research on the practice process of the Chinese listening literacy-oriented curriculum for vocational high school, from which they discussed the process of teaching design and curriculum implementation, analyzed students' learning effects, and reflected on the dilemma of curriculum practice and teachers. professional growth. The research results are as follows: 1.When designing and implementing Chinese listening literacy-oriented courses, teachers must integrate the characteristics of group subjects in vocational high school, respond to the spirit of literacy-oriented, and choose teaching units to break through students' learning difficulties. The learning goals focus on the connection between learning and life. Create an interactive and independent learning atmosphere, use multiple assessments to examine learning outcomes, and curriculum design focuses on the connection between texts and real-life situations.2.Practice process of the Chinese listening literacy-oriented curriculum for vocational high school have a positive impact on cultivating students' listening concentration, comprehension, sensibility, and responsiveness. 3.The difficulties of practicing process of the Chinese listening literacy-oriented curriculum for vocational high school include difficult course design, limited teaching hours, and changing roles of teachers and students.It can be responded to by enriching the ability of curriculum design and practice, formulating learning steps, and integrating the characteristics of group subjects; the professional growth brought to teachers includes improving the professional ability of Chinese language curriculum design and teaching, and igniting the enthusiasm for teaching and learning.國語文聆聽教學技術型高中素養導向課程Chinese listening teachingliteracy-oriented curriculum for vocational high school技術型高中國語文聆聽素養導向課程實踐歷程之行動研究Action Research on the Practice Process of the Chinese Listening Literacy-oriented Curriculum for Vocational High Schoolreport_pro