林雪卿Lin, Hsueh-Ching楊孟學Yang, Meng-Hsueh2023-12-082023-07-212023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ef02bfe377b7c251e2ff42676cd87510/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118844本創作研究《夢.境》是筆者從過去曾遭遇的困境與挫敗為出發點,藉由佛洛依德的精神分析理論挖掘內在的自我,梳理創作思緒。筆者藉版畫創作所描繪的象徵性圖像與潛意識做連結,再次面對並跨越過去不愉快的生命經驗,重拾內心的夢想與願望,在創作過程中逐步建構出自己心目中的理想境地。  創作研究過程,透過分析美術史脈絡中的藝術家範例,包含巴勃羅・畢卡索、喬治・布拉克、馬克斯・恩斯特、彼得・多伊格、克里斯蒂安・馬克雷、格倫・阿爾卑斯和廖修平等多位藝術家的創作,幫助筆者釐清創作思維與確立創作理念。創作實踐以版畫做為過渡的載體,透過版畫創作時專注的製版、滾墨、擦墨、壓印等過程的身心合一與移情作用,抒發內在不愉快的情緒,從中獲得內在的療癒與自我價值的肯定。   本創作研究實踐,以日常生活的照片影像為素材,利用版畫創作的拼貼紙凹版、壓克力凹版、美柔汀版與PS平版等不同版種進行創作。不同版種所呈現的多樣性版畫語言以及影像能夠再製的複數特性,運用拼貼的手法將零碎的影像重新組合出想像中的版畫藝術語境。創作包含兩系列:「夢土系列」主要透過象徵內心願望的圖像,建構心中的境地;「花火系列」則是透過花火圖像的意涵,給予筆者繼續追尋夢想的信心。   檢視本創作研究,筆者在創作過程中回顧過往的生命經歷,自我反思與改變,使內心獲得釋懷。也從製作版畫的身體力行與反覆的實驗中,磨練自我的耐心與毅力,不斷地精進自我,發展出個人的創作風格。筆者期許持續此創作研究體驗,邁向積極的創作生涯。This creative research project,"Dream.Realm," is based on the author's past ordeals and setbacks. It uses Freudian psychoanalysis to delve into the inner self and organize the thought process for creation. The analysis explores the symbolic representation of the depicted images and their connection to the subconscious, enabling the author to confront and transcend unpleasant life experiences and rediscover their inner dreams and desires, gradually constructing an ideal realm in their artwork.   During the research process, the author analyzes artists examples in the art history, including Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Max Ernst, Peter Doig, Christian Marclay, Glen Alps, and Liao, Shiou-Ping, clarifying creative thinking and establishing artistic concepts. Printmaking is serves as a transitional medium in the creative practice. Through the process of printmaking, focusing on plate-making, inking, wiping, and printing, achieves a state of mind-body unity and transference. This allows the author to express inner negative emotions and find inner healing and self-affirmation in the artistic practice.  This creative research project uses daily life's images for printmaking techniques, including Collagraph, Acrylic Drypoint, Mezzotint, and Presensitized Offset Plate. It reassembles fragmented images into imagined printmaking art contexts through collage, comprising two series: "Dreamland Series" representing desires and aspirations and "Fireworks Series" inspired by the symbolism of fireworks imagery, providing the author with the confidence to continue pursuing their dreams.   In this creative research, through reviewing past life experiences, the author engages in self-introspection and inner transformation, leading to a sense of inner peace. Through hands-on practice and repeated experimentation in printmaking, the author hones their patience and perseverance, constantly improving themselves and developing a unique artistic style. The author aspires to continue this creative journey and embark on a positive and fulfilling artistic career.拼貼版畫紙凹版畫壓克力凹版畫美柔汀版畫PS平版畫DreamRealmCollagraphAcrylicDrypointMezzotintPresensitized Offset PlateCollage夢.境—楊孟學版畫創作論述Dream.Realm—The Printmaking Creative Discourse of Yang, Meng-Hsuehetd