李懿芳Li, Yi-Fang顏俊杰Yan, Jyun-Jie2019-09-042020-01-252019-09-042018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0001702206%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98313本研究旨在探究QR Code融入混成學習對高職生製圖實習學習成效之影響,並探討學習動機及心流經驗對學習成效的間接效果。採準實驗研究法的不等組前後測實驗設計,以某高職一年級兩班學生為研究對象,隨機分派一班為控制組,另一班為實驗組。研究結果顯示:一、學生接受QR Code融入混成學習後,在製圖實習成就測驗及實作測驗表現有顯著提升;二、學生接受QR Code融入混成學習後有良好的自我覺知學習效果,但實驗組與控制組無顯著差異;三、QR Code融入混成學習有效提升學習動機,進而間接增強製圖實習成就測驗及實作測驗的表現;四、QR Code融入混成學習有效提升心流經驗,進而間接增強製圖實習成就測驗及實作測驗的表現。研究建議如下:一、學校行政機關應增加開設資訊科技運用及教材數位化的進修研習課程;二、教師教學設計應著重學生學習動機與心流程度的提升;三、教師應增加對QR Code融入混成學習的應用與實踐。The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of blended learning integrating QR Code on motivation, flow experience and learning performance in drafting practice course for vocational high school students, and to analyze the mediator effects of motivation and flow experience. This study adopted the pretest-posttest nonequivalent-group quasi-experimental design. The subjects for the study were two first grade classes in a public vocational high school. The experimental group received blended learning integrating QR Code and the control group received traditional teaching. The experiment lasted for eight weeks. The results were as follows: (1)students did better on the achievement test and practical examination after receiving blended learning integrating QR Code; (2)motivation and flow experience had no significant mediator effects between teaching method and self-awareness (3)motivation and flow experience had significant mediator effects between teaching method and achievement test; (4)motivation and flow experience had significant mediator effects between teaching method and practical examination;. A number of implications, and suggestions for further research were presented.QR Code融入混成學習學習成效學習動機心流經驗製圖實習課程Blended learning integrating QR CodeLearning effectMotivationFlow experienceDrafting practice courseQR Code融入混成學習對高職生製圖實習課程學習動機、心流經驗與學習成效之影響The Impact of Blended Learning Integrating QR Code on Motivation, Flow Experience and Learning Performance in Drafting Practice Course for Vocational High School Students