吳明雄博士Ming-Hsiung Wu段蘊康Flora Duan2019-09-042010-7-252019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695700182%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99058本研究旨在探討「全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動」滿意度情形,並完成下列三項研究目的:(1)探討「高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動」參賽學生參與狀況與背景因素之分佈情形;(2)探討「全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動」參賽學生學習滿意度與活動滿意度及其排序情形;(3)探討不同背景的參賽學生其學習滿意度與活動滿意度之差異情形。 本研究工具為自編之「全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動滿意度調查」問卷。問卷內容主要分為三個部分:第一部分為學校背景、個人背景以及家庭背景等資料;第二部分為研習活動的學習滿意度調查問卷,內容分別為課程教材與教學、學習成果兩個構面;第三部分為研習活動的活動滿意度調查問卷,內容分別為活動指示、服務內涵、環境設備和進行流程等四個構面。在問卷回收並經統計分析後發現:整體學習及活動滿意度都傾向滿意的程度。其中,中區的滿意度較其他區域為高。此外,性別、區域、公私立學校別、學校成績以及家長支持態度,為主要會造成滿意度差異之背景變項。 最後,本研究根據結論,分別對活動辦理單位、學校、教師、學生以及後續研究者等,提供相關的參考與建議外,並提供給未來有意針對此議題進行更深入研究,或進一步發展相關工具之研究者參考。This research aims to investigate the satisfactory degree of The Technique Creativity Training and the Competition for National Senior High Vocational School Students and to achieve three following objectes: 1. Analysis of the situation and background of the students participated the activities. 2. Analysis of the satisfactory degree both for learning and activities and their sequences. 3. Analysis of the differential satisfactory degree for the students participated from various background. Based on the relevant information collected from published documents and historical data, one questionnaire about the satisfactory degree of “The Technique Creativity Training and the Competition Activities for the National Senior High Vocational School Students” was developed. It mainly emphasizes three elements as follows: 1. Students’ data including school background, personal background and family background, etc. 2. The questionnaire of the satisfactory degree for the learning activities including 2 factors---teaching, and curriculum material, student learning outcome. 3. The questionnaire of the satisfactory degree for the activities including 4 factors ---activities instruction, service centre, environment equipments and process. The result shows that participating students rate the overall learning process and activities are positive. Moreover the satisfactory degree of central Taiwan is higher than other districts, and it will be varied from different backgrounds, such as sex, district, public and privacy school, student performance, family support and so on. According to the result, the researcher will provide the organizers, schools, teachers, and the participating students with relevant information and suggestions. In addition, the study will be available to whom who would like to conduct future studies.高職全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動技術創造力滿意度senior high vocational schoolthe Technique Creativity Training and the Competition Activities for the National Senior High Vocational Schoolstudentssatisfactory degree全國高職學生技術創造力培訓與競賽活動滿意度調查研究A Study on the Satisfactory Degree of the Technique Creativity Training and the Competition for National Senior High Vocational School Students