葉國梁蘇玉嬋2019-08-282003-8-272019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000250%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88059本研究目的在探討國中生體重控制信念及從事體重控制之行為意圖,並討論應用理性行動理論與自我效能對研究對象從事體重控制行為意圖之適切性。以台中縣某國中九十一學年度第一學期體重正常、過重(含肥胖)的學生為母群體,採取分層隨機集束抽樣方式抽出調查樣本,所完成的有效問卷459份。研究工具為一份結構式問卷,所得資料經分析後,主要研究結果如下: 一、研究對象在未來六週之內進行體重控制之意圖,以有意圖者占大多數(62.3﹪),其次是無意圖者(20.0﹪)。而其中體重肥胖在其組別中體重控制有意圖比例最高(70.4﹪),其次為體重過重(68.6﹪),最少為體重正常(58.8﹪)。 二、研究對象從事體重控制的態度、主觀規範可以有效地解釋行為意圖14.1%的變異量,加上飲食自我效能,則顯著增加對行為意圖8.0%的解釋量,加上運動自我效能,則顯著增加對行為意圖4.5%的解釋量。此四變項共可有效解釋22.9%的變異量。其中態度對行為意圖的影響最大,飲食自我效能次之,接著為主觀規範,運動自我效能影響力最小。 三、研究對象對於從事體重控制之態度與行為信念及結果評價的交乘積和呈顯著正相關;且從事體重控制之主觀規範與規範信念及依從動機的交乘積和也呈現顯著正相關。 四、有/無體重控制意圖之研究對象在行為信念、結果評價、規範信念、依從動機、自我效能上,均有整體性之顯著差異。 五、外在變項「年級」、「體重控制經驗」等二個變項能有限度地直接影響研究對象體重控制意圖,與研究假設不符合,尤以體重控制經驗之影響力最大。 六、研究結果支持理性行動理論整合社會學習理論之自我效能應用於預測從事體重控制之行為意圖。The main purpose of this study was to investigate junior high school students’ beliefs in and their behavioral intention of weight control. Additionally, it was also to examine the appropriateness of applying the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Self-efficacy to exploring the subjects’ behavioral intention of weight control in this study. By using stratified cluster sampling method, the respondents were selected from the normal-weight and overweight first-grade students of a junior high school in Taichung county in the first school year of 2002. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for this study. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Around sixty-two percent of respondents showed the positive behavioral intention for weight control in the next six weeks; about twenty percent showed negative intention. Among the respondents of positive intention, the highest was the overweight respondents (70.4%); the less high was the moderately overweight respondents (68.6%); and the lowest was the normal-weight respondents (58.8%). 2. The attitude and subjective norm could effectively explain a 14.1% of variance of the intention of weight control; self-efficacy of eating added an 8.0% explanation power; and self-efficacy of exercise added a 4.5% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these four variables accounted for 22.9%. Among them, attitudes affect the behavioral intention most, and self-efficacy of exercise affects it least. 3. The attitudes of respondents toward weight control were significantly positively related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes (ΣBi*Ei). Also, the subjective norm of respondents’ weight control were also significantly positively related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply(ΣNBj*MCj). 4. There were significant differences between respondents with the intention of weight control and respondents without the intention of weight control in behavioral beliefs, evaluations of outcomes, normative beliefs, motivations to comply, and self-efficacy. 5. The external variables of grade and the experiences of weight control could limitedly but directly affect the respondents’ intention of weight control. Especially, the experiences of weight control affected most. Such results of this study were not consistent with the hypothesis of this study. 6. The results of this study supported the appropriateness of applying the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Self-efficacy to exploring the subjects’ behavioral intention of weight control.國中學生體重控制台中縣某國中學生體重控制行為意圖及其相關因素研究