蕭偉智Wei-Chih Hsiao2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14037本文旨在分享筆者於國中數理資優班進行的家庭教育課程與教學成效。本課程結合九年一貫課程,以「瞭解家庭」和「家人關係」為主軸,並依據資優生特質進行課程加深加廣。筆者利用循序漸進階段性的閱讀、討論、影片欣賞、訪問實作來達成親子溝通與輔導預防之目標。最後,筆者期望透過實際的教學經驗分想,提供相關教育人員實務上的參考。The aim of this article was to share the curriculum design and teaching experience in family education for gifted math and science students in junior high schools. The basic frames of the curriculum in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guideline were “understanding the family" and “ interpersonal relationships between children and parents". According to the characteristics of the gifted students, the author designed the activities in order (from reading, discussion, and film-viewing to interview) to the prevent maladjusted or deviant behavior and achieve effective parent-child communication. Finally, the teaching experience documentation was tailored to the needs of educational staff, who may use it for reference資優生情意輔導家庭教育課程設計gifted studentsemotional counselingfamily educationcurriculum design家家有本難念經?暸解與被暸解Teaching Experience and Curriculum Design of Family Education for Gifted Students