莊連東游玉英2020-12-102014-1-242020-12-102014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099603117%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115071本研究是筆者透過對社會的觀察和人性的體會之後,獲得的情感符號,試圖從圖像的內在意涵與外在形象傳達形式與精神的合一,傳達對社會真誠的體悟與感受。因此,研究的意圖在探討異想世界情境下的桃花源,傳遞筆者對未來世界的期待,並且對現代社會提出反抗,透過避世觀點及運用水墨創作的方式,建構一個內容觸及老莊哲學思想與西方審美哲學,屬於精神性的理想世界,並以超現實主義的表現形式及象徵主義的寓意與象徵性為筆者創作的學理基礎研究。 為達到創作目的,筆者在實踐的過程中,嘗試以多元媒材的融入,運用不同的基底材營造各種視覺的差異性及製造不同的質感,進而增加畫面的豐富度和可讀性,並表現虛實、綿密、曲折、變形、重疊,異質同構、異文化混搭等視覺效果。而在表現法上,則使用東方水墨創作形式融合現代創作手法,表現充滿詭異的夢幻式烏托邦境域,形塑一個可讀、可行、可居、可遊的理想世界,希望在古與今之間碰撞出燦爛的火花,藉以傳達筆者內在思想與情感,並期待轉化為一種激發人們對自然環境的反思與共鳴。This research is based on the author’s study according to social experimental observations of human nature resulting from an emotional symbol, trying to create an image of the inner meaning with external elements conveying forms and spirit of unity captured on social feelings of comprehension. This research intends to trigger discussion on a situational imaginative world of utopia, on a strange culture (ISO) conveyed by the author on a future world of looks forward, on social made revolt, through lived reclusive views, using oriental ink in creative ways, constructing a content of approaches and touches about Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi’s philosophical thoughts and western aesthetic philosophy, belonging to a spiritual world for manifestations of surrealism and symbolism of the “allegorical” matching the creation of the author’s theoretical basic research. In order to reach creation purposes, the author’s practical process is to use multi vector material and fundamental material to produce visual differences,manufacturing different textures and above all increasing pictures to a rich degree of readability with performing blankness and fullness, assembled in variable shapes and deformations with lots of heavy Diego. Isomorphism culture mixed ride, visual effects are of the essence. Performance is reached by the use of oriental ink creation forms in a fusion with modern creation practices. The performance is obtained with loads of weird utopian fantasies, readable, viable, and livable to travel to this ideal world, hoping this collision between the past and the present bring the author to communicate his inner thoughts and emotions and look forward to an inspired reflection on the natural environment and resonance.水墨創作烏托邦桃花源Oriental ink CreationUtopiathe Ideal world異想桃花源三部曲Trilogy of Different to the Ideal World, with Color Ink Painting Creation Research.