國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系莊瑛珺王健華2014-10-302014-10-302005-11-011683-5891http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36439論文旨在了解社區大學與網路學習結合的成效評估,對象為中和社區大學網頁設計班學員,本論文簡單建置一個網路學習平臺進行輔助教學,網站內容主要希望能提供個別化以及補教學習。網站主要內容為網頁設計與電腦繪圖課程之教學,包涵四個單元:Frontpage教學、PhotoImpact教學、Frontpage與PhotoImpact結合、教學範例。 本論文得到三項重要結論,第一,經實際演練結果,認為現階段社區大學學員要直接進行網路授課,而不需要到班學習,在技術上有其窒礙難行之處。但網路學習若處於輔助角色的話,是具有加分的效果;第二,網路學習現階段的學習對象,應設定在進階課程較佳,成效方能展現;第三,由於網路學習機制有其使用上基本能力限制,若要將此模式套用在社區大學其他領域課程上,需透過配套措施來加以推動,如「協同教學」或是「雙課程制」。This article is for the purpose of understanding the model of community college working with Internet e-learning, and evaluation the result; the target is homepage design class at Chung_Ho community college. This article simply establishes an Internet learning platform to carry on the assistance teaching. The main purpose of this website is to provide personalized content as well as for extra study. The website main content is homepage design and computer graphics curriculum, it has 4 topics which includes: FrontPage Learning, PhotoImpact Learning, Using FrontPage with PhotoImpact, and teaching templates. This article obtains three important conclusions; first, it is a difficulty for class students learn from website without attending class, but this e-learning will be a plus for self-learning after the class. The website material is great in the assistance role. Second, the network learning model is better for advanced class, especially for those who have Internet experience. Third, since the network study mechanism has its limitation, if other field wishes to apply this mechanism for its own class, it must penetrate the nece4ssary measure to perform to impel, like "teaching coordination" or "double curriculum system".社區大學網路學習終身學習Community collegeInternet learningLifelong learning社區大學課程與網路學習結合以臺北縣中和社區大學電腦課程為例