相子元Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang蔡辰璋Tsai, Chen-Chang2023-12-082023-08-232023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ef1aacf112eb86e59c521a967ab5e4a7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118734功能性閾值功率 (FTP) 是自行車的一個重要的指標,用於評估騎乘者的表現能力並且依此制定訓練計劃。FTP代表騎乘者在全力衝刺中能夠持續產生的功率值。過去的研究已經表明,FTP值與騎乘者的耐力和競速能力密切相關,因此評估FTP值對於提升騎乘表現至關重要。然而,對於一些騎乘者來說,這可能是一項艱鉅的挑戰。FTP測試結果也可能受到當天身體狀態的影響而造成偏差。因此,利用平日騎乘訓練的數據作為FTP的預測的資料來源,不僅可以隨時監測體能狀態,同時也不會對運動員造成太大的負擔。目的:本研究的目的是比較室內FTP值和戶外騎行數據預估的FTP值。透過這項研究,我們希望為自行車騎手和教練提供關於訓練和表現能力的有用信息。方法:研究對象為有運動習慣的一般人。首先,受試者在實驗室進行3分鐘的全力衝刺測試,以獲得個人的FTP值。然後,受試者分別進行室外平路和上坡騎乘,並記錄相關數據。我們使用30秒和60秒的移動平均功率來計算FTP值,並進行統計分析。結果:研究結果顯示,室內和戶外騎行數據中的FTP值之間存在顯著相關性,這表明戶外騎行所得到的FTP值可以提供關於個人表現能力的重要信息。然而,在不同坡度條件下,特別是上坡時,FTP值存在顯著差異。結論:通過定期進行FTP測試,騎手可以監測自己的表現能力並確定改進的領域。然而,需要注意的是室內和戶外騎行數據之間仍然存在一些微小的差異。因此,在制定訓練計劃和評估能力時,應進行調整。本研究為自行車騎手和教練提供了重要的參考信息,幫助他們更好地了解表現能力並制定訓練目標。Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is an important indicator in cycling used to assess a rider's performance and develop training plans accordingly. FTP represents the sustained power output a rider can generate during an all-out sprint. Previous research has shown a close correlation between FTP values and a rider's endurance and competitive ability, making the evaluation of FTP crucial for improving cycling performance. However, for some riders, this can be a challenging task. Additionally, FTP test results may be influenced by the rider's physical condition on a given day, resulting in deviations. Therefore, utilizing regular training data as a predictive source for FTP, obtained from everyday cycling sessions, not only allows for continuous monitoring of fitness levels but also minimizes the burden on athletes. The aim of this study is to compare indoor FTP values with estimated FTP values based on outdoor riding data. Through this research, we hope to provide valuable information regarding training and performance capabilities for cyclists and coaches. The study participants consisted of physically active individuals. Firstly, subjects underwent a 3-minute all-out sprint test in the laboratory to determine their individual FTP values. Subsequently, participants engaged in outdoor rides on both flat and uphill terrains while recording relevant data. We calculated FTP values using 30-second and 60-second moving average power and conducted statistical analysis. The results of the study demonstrate a significant correlation between FTP values derived from indoor and outdoor riding data, indicating that FTP values obtained from outdoor rides can provide crucial information about an individual's performance capabilities. However, notable differences in FTP values were observed under different gradient conditions, particularly during uphill riding. Regular FTP testing allows riders to monitor their performance capabilities and identify areas for improvement. However, it is important to note that some minor differences still exist between indoor and outdoor riding data. Therefore, adjustments should be made when formulating training plans and evaluating performance. This study providesimportant reference information for cyclists and coaches, aiding them in gaining a better understanding of performance capabilities and setting training goals.功能性閾值功率室內騎乘戶外騎乘Functional Threshold PowerIndoor CyclingOutdoor Cycling透過自行車戶外騎乘數據分析騎乘者功率Analyzing the power through the data collection from outdoor ridingetd