林倩君Chien-Chun Lin2019-08-122019-08-122018-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81534「魔幻寫實」的概念最初分別產生於德國、義大利的繪畫與文學領域,隨後作為一種文學形式流行於歐美及拉丁美洲,由於後者特有的歷史與文化背景又形成其獨特的風格和內涵。早在1920年代德國藝術評論家法蘭茨•羅首先使用了「魔幻寫實」的概念。其後的1930、40年代,德國文學中亦相繼有不同形式和風格的魔幻寫實作品產生。然而在廣義上,此風格的文學書寫傳統,可追溯至十九世紀初德國晚期浪漫主義文學代表霍夫曼開拓性的文學創作。霍夫曼承襲了浪漫主義尋根基督教文化傳統與構建「新神話」的訴求,同時亦逆轉了德國早期浪漫主義所追求之脫離現實的幻想和內在自我的情結,主張讓神奇與想像「大膽地進入現實生活中」。該類作品中,《金罐》以其幻想與現實交織越界的書寫風格被稱為「現實童話」,並被視為德國晚期浪漫主義的代表作。本論文從文學史的角度出發,首先闡明「魔幻寫實」從概念到作品在德國藝術史及文學作品中的產生、發展及特徵,繼而對霍夫曼的代表作《金罐》從作品書寫的形式、結構及背景來詮釋作家的創作動機,該作品在德國文學中的地位和美學意義以及對其後「魔幻寫實」類文學書寫所產生的啟發和影響,同時對該作品在德國文學之外所產生的文學影響亦會加以探討。The concept of magical realism originated in the art and literature of Germany and Italy and later became a literary trend throughout Europe and the Americas. The unique historical and cultural background of Latin America allowed the further elaboration of the distinct style and content of magical realism. The German art critic Franz Roh used the concept of magical realism as early as the 1920s. During the 1930s and 1940s, magical realist writings were published in German literature. In broad terms, the style of magical realism dates back to the pioneering early-19th-century literary creations of Emst T. A. Hoffmann who epitomized late German romanticism. Hoffmann inherited a romantic literary tradition rooted in Christian culture and was concerned with the creation of new mythologies. Simultaneously, he veered away from the complexities of the inner self and detached fantasies from reality, which was sought by early romantic writers. He proposed to allow imagination and magic to enter boldly into real life. In the magical realism genre, The Golden Pot (Der goldne Topf ) is considered the most classical representation of late German romanticism, with a style marked by the intertwining and overlapping of the imaginary and realistic. This research study describes the development and unique characteristics of magical realism in art history and German literature. Furthermore, the literary style, structure, and background of Hoffmann’s distinguishing work, The Golden Pot, are analyzed to determine his creative motivation. The status of The Golden Pot in German literature and its aesthetic value are discussed, and its subsequent influence on magical realist literature is reviewed. The influence of The Golden Pot on foreign literature is also investigated.奇幻文學美學觀浪漫主義霍夫曼魔幻寫實fantasy literatureaesthetic viewromanticismE. T. A. Hoffmannmagical realism找回失去的亞特蘭提斯:從德國晚期浪漫主義小說《金罐》溯源「魔幻寫實」書寫Rediscovering the Lost Atlantis: A Study of the Genealogy of the Term Magical Realism in Late German Romantic Literature Through The Golden Pot