陳昭儀Chen, Chao-Yi紀詠齡Chi, Yung-Ling2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699090171%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91895身為兩位跳級資優生的手足,我在本研究中採用自我敘說的方式,重新回顧自家的家庭經驗,包含自己、家人及彼此間交叉互動的生命故事。 本研究敘寫主要共分成四部份:一、同一個屋簷下:此部分先從整個「家」的發展歷程談起,再藉由回憶與蒐集相關資料,重新形塑與了解每一位家人,包含爺爺、父母、姊姊、我與兩位跳級資優生弟弟;二、一刀未剪的童年:主要透過整理手足成長照片、與家人的對話、生命經驗的追憶與傳述,呈現父母的教養、我的求學經歷及過去家庭的生活樣貌,使自己在敘事的同時,反思並重構生長於資優生家庭裡,「手足關係」與「親子關係」的重要意義;三、追憶小調青春:此部分猶如開啟一趟自我人生經驗的回溯之旅,敘說我在「資優」家庭中成長的獨特經驗與觀察;四、快攤一只時光卷軸:藉由回憶以及與弟弟們不斷地對話,我重新看待資優手足們學習與成長的歷程。 最後,本研究除了呈現我的資優家庭整體發展歷程,也傳達了家庭核心價值對於家庭發展、父母教養與資優手足成長的重要性;除此之外,亦可由一位資優生手足的視角,深入洞見資優生的手足關係與親子關係之獨特樣貌。This study is based on a self-narrative inquiry. As a sibling of gifted children, I have tried to write down the life stories of interaction with all my family members, especially my two younger brothers who are gifted and also skipped grades in their school stages. In the process of self-narration, I have focused on these significant fragments of memory that growing up with my siblings. Also, I tried to retrospect my family experience to review the mutual interpretation between family members, demonstrate the special family context of gifted sibling relationships, reconstruct and recognize the important meaning and development of sibling and parents-child relationships within a gifted family through conversation and interactions with all my family members. Finally, I found that when looking back on my family, there are 3 core values which built up by 3 important members—my grandfather, father and mother. They constructed a firm and stable foundation for my gifted family to develop successfully. Besides, I also found that many gradations and turning points in the sibling relationships were developed over time during school stage. Furthermore, the issues of how to develop the differences between siblings, share common time and experiences to empower family are also discussed in this research.敘事探究資優家庭經驗手足關係self-narrative inquirygiftedfamily experiencesibling relationships一位資優生手足回觀家庭經驗 與手足關係之敘事探究A Self-Narrative Inquiry on a Sibling of Gifted Children Reflecting the Gifted Family Experience and Sibling Relationships