Havanond,Sonjai2014-10-272014-10-271997-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6911泰國的紅樹林分佈在暹羅灣和安達曼海的沿岸。在1961年時的總面積有 367,900公頃,可是經過了1975~1993年間的一連串像是築路、建鎮、開礦、養殖池的開發,紅樹林只剩168,682公頃了。其中大部份是可以合法利用的,目前供工作薪炭,長在安達曼海沿岸的紅樹林(約85%)情況尚屬良好。1968年起,15年一輪伐的策略用到了紅樹林的經營方面,政府成立了三十四所紅樹林經營單位經營管理紅樹林,由於紅樹林被轉作為養蝦池和其他用途的事件日增,政府於是反把紅樹林分成了保育和利用兩區。政府也同時計劃並實施逐年恢復紅樹林的造林工作。從1992至1995三年期間就恢復了13,569公頃。全國為了復育紅樹林,特別設置了四個種苗中心,供應各社區在荒蕪海邊復育紅樹林的需要。結構完整的紅樹林也將予以保存供做生物多樣性等領域的研究之用。就在1996年的六月十六日和八月十三日的內閣會議中核定了泰國全國的紅樹林。包括合法利用的紅樹林,均應予以嚴格的保護。In Thailand, the mangrove forests occupy the areas along the gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea coastlines with the total area of about 367,900 ha in 1961. Unfortunately, between 1975 and 1993, the mangrove forests of Thailand has been seriously destroyed for various purposes such as human settlements, road constructions, mining activity and shrimp farms until it remained of 168,682 ha. However, most of the mangrove areas (85%) under the concession mangroves designated form logging especially the charcoal production are still good condition and they distribute along coastal lines of Andaman sea. Clear felling in alternate strips was introduced to mangrove forest management with 15-year concession since 1968. Thirty-four mangrove forest management units were established to manage and control the mangrove areas. Due to the mangrove areas has been converted into shrimp farms and other activities increasing each year. In order to have proper mangrove management, the Government has decide to classify the mangrove areas into 2 zones; conservation and economics. The government has also set a plan for mangrove re-afforestation each year and during 1992-1995 about 13,569 ha had been replanted. Four seed production centers were already constructed to support seedlings for the local people to plant in the unproductive or degraded mangrove forests near the communities. The mangrove areas which composed of various kinds of plants and animals will be reserved for studying biodiversity and other related areas. Recently on 16th July and 13th August 1996 the cabinet's resolutions approved that the remain mangrove of Thailand including concession mangrove area should be protected seriously and recovered as hurry as possible.紅樹林保育造林MangroveConservationReforestation泰國森林的紅樹林保育Mangrove Forest Conservation in Thailand