陳慧珊吳麗娟Hui-Shan ChenLi-Chuan Wu2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11541本研究旨在探討大學生(1)不同性別、出生序之大學生親職化現象差異;(2)親職化現象與身心健康指標的關係;(3)親職化現象與個體化程度的關係。本研究採立意抽樣從全國公私立大專院校中,抽出287 名大學生作為研究對象,以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,所使用的研究工具包括「親職化量表」、「個體化量表」與「一般健康量表」。本研究主要發現如下:(1)不同性別之大學生的親職化現象有顯著差異,差異主要表現在「不公平性」上,且男性高於女性。不同出生序之大學生的親職化現象有顯著差異,差異主要表現在「功能性照顧」上,且老大高於老么。(2)大學生的親職化現象與身心健康之間的關係呈現出大學生若表現出較少的「功能性照顧」、較多的「情感性照顧」以及較多的「不公平性」,其身心狀況就越不健康。(3)大學生的親職化現象與個體化程度之間有二個關係組型存在。第一組的關係組型呈現出大學生有高度不公平感受時,雖外表獨立堅強、其內心仍感衝突矛盾與不平,亦即大學生有高度不公平感時,雖其外的行為在功能、態度和情緒上表現獨立自主,但心理與父母情感分離的衝突仍是大的。第二組關係組型主要呈現出當大學生擔任較多照顧家人的情緒責任時,則其個體化程度較低。The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among parentification, individuation, and general health among college students in Taiwan. A total of 287 students from colleges in Taiwan participated in this study. Participant completed a questionnaire composed of “Parentification Scale”, “Individuation Scale”, and “General Health Scale”. The obtained data was analyzed by MANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, and canonical analysis. The main findings were as follows: (1) There was a significant gender difference on parentification, with men scoring significantly higher on “unfairness” than women. There was also a significant birth order difference on parentification, with oldest children scoring significantly higher than youngest children on “instrumental care-giving”. (2) Canonical analysis revealed one significant correlation between canonical variate of parentification and health. Less instrumental care-giving, more emotional care-giving and more unfair treatments were associated with worse health. (3) Parentification was significantly correlated with individuation. We found two significant correlations between canonical variates of parentification and individuation. The first one showed that more unfairness was associated with more functional independence, more attitudinal independence, more emotional independence, but less confliction of independence. In the second one, more emotional caring for the family was associated with lower individuation. Finally, based on the results of this study, we discussed suggestions for future research and implications for counseling and parent education.大學生身心健康個體化親職化birth ordercollege studentsgenderhealthindividuationparentification.大學生親職化現象、個體化程度與身心健康指標之相關研究Examining the Relationships of Parentification, Individuation, and Health Among College Students in Taiwan