陳子瑋Chen, Tze-Wei陳冠吟Chen, Kuan-Yin2019-09-032017-08-212019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060225013L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95921資策會於2017年的研究顯示,台灣人平均擁有四個社群媒體帳號,而國人使用比例名列前茅的社群媒體Faceobook更是網路世界中不可或缺的一部分。根據中央社報導,台灣每月活躍的Facebook用戶超過1800萬,而資策會的報告也顯示,每週使用Facebook三次以上的頻率高達八成五。在Facebook上,除了能得到朋友的最新動態,還可以透過訂閱、按讚來追蹤喜愛的品牌、商家或者名人的粉絲專頁。而國內外的翻譯系所也已注意到這股臉書的潮流,成立粉絲專頁。本研究將以Waters等人(2009)提出的三大公眾溝通策略為主要研究架構,以次級資料分析法研究國內外8所翻譯系所粉絲專頁共585篇貼文,發現國內外翻譯系所多能呈現系所基本資訊、貼文類型最多為新知分享,且各翻譯系所Facebook粉絲專頁的留言、回覆情形並不踴躍。其次,配合訪談法,訪問台灣各校粉絲專頁的經營者,探討粉絲專頁內部經營策略,發現國內翻譯系所的粉絲專頁管理人員多為學生,皆將未來的學生列為粉絲專頁的目標受眾,在經營上也遇到人力不足等挑戰。各校粉絲專頁經營者對Facebook粉絲專頁的執行成效均持正面評價。透過粉絲專頁,可以讓系所以外的人士了解系所舉辦的活動,也多了一項與外界互動的管道。On average, Taiwanese have accounts in 4 social media. Facebook, one of the most visited social media among Taiwanese, has taken a large part of our life online. Studies have shown that now there are more than 1.8 billion monthly active user on Facebook in Taiwan and that almost 85% of people visit Facebook at least 3 times per week. On Facebook, one can not only get the latest information from friends but also like and subscribe to fan pages of beloved brands, shops or celebrities. Translation Institutes in Taiwan and abroad have noticed the trend of Facebook and set up fan pages to cultivate public communication. This study conducts the three public communication strategies as the main research framework, proposed by Waters et al. (2009), and analyze a total of 585 posts from 8 translational institutes fan pages. The approaches in this study includes secondary data analysis of 8 Facebook pages and interviews with fan page managers of translation schools in Taiwan to identify the strategies of organizational disclosure, information dissemination and involvement used by translational institutes in Taiwan and abroad.社群媒體臉書粉絲專頁公眾溝通策略翻譯系所Social MediaFacebookfanpagePublic Communication StrategiesTranslation Schools國內外翻譯系所經營臉書粉絲專頁之公眾溝通策略Public Communication Strategies in Facebook Fan Pages of Translation Schools in Taiwan and Abroad