張少熙Chang, Shao-Hsi陳採雲Chen, Tsai-Yun2019-09-032015-06-262019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0101590109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94764臺灣圍棋女職業棋士人數僅八位,男女比例懸殊,相較於中日韓三國比例相對偏低。全世界已有一百多國成立圍棋組織,圍棋已廣為各國人士所認同,2012年迄今,臺灣在世界智力菁英運動會圍棋項目每年都有奪牌記錄,2013年臺灣全國運動會也將圍棋列入正式比賽項目,這些突破與進展都對臺灣圍棋注入了新契機。 本研究目的在探討圍棋女職業棋士對於自我概念與自我效能之相互影響,希望幫助圍棋女職業棋士提升自我概念並最大程度地激發其自我效能。本研究共訪問五位臺灣圍棋女職業棋士,採用質性深度訪談,得出研究結果如下: (一) 圍棋女職業棋士自我概念清晰 圍棋女職業棋士自我概念三大向度,物質自我、社會自我、精神自我皆傾向於喜愛自己、能承受孤獨與挫折、企圖心強受到社會高評價,能調整心態享受過程以平常心對待勝負結果。 (二) 圍棋女職業棋士自我效能偏高 影響圍棋女職業棋士自我效能三大因素,面對問題的心理狀態,努力的程度,維持努力的時間,因其對己身優勢及社會給予極高評價的自我概念具有清楚的認識與了解,進而持續努力留下典範,是自我效能極高的展現。 (三) 圍棋女職業棋士之自我概念與自我效能之關係相輔相成 圍棋女職業棋士除了參與競賽之外,還肩負著推廣大使之責,為臺灣培養更多棋才而努力,其自我概念與自我效能兩者間相輔相成,是一個持續不斷互為循環的歷程,對圍棋女職業棋士的自我期許與生涯規劃影響甚鉅。 據此提出研究結論與建議事項以提供圍棋女職業棋士、教育機關、民間圍棋相關單位及未來有志於相關議題的研究者,意見交流的參考There are only eight female professional Go players in Taiwan, the gap between male and female players is wide. The ratio of female to male players in Taiwan is low compared with China, Japan, and South Korea. Go has been recognized by numerous countries, as evidenced by the establishment of Go organization in more than one hundred countries. Since 2012, Taiwan’s Go players won medals every year at the Sport Accord World Mind Games. The government has subsumed Go game to be an official sports item at The National Games Taipei in 2013. These breakthrough and achievements bring new opportunities for Taiwan’s Go game. The purpose of this thesis is to research how female professional Go players influence and are influenced by their self-concept and self-efficacy. The result of this research will hopefully help female professional Go players raise their self-concept and maximize their self-efficacy to its fullest potential. Qualitative research results were achieved through the use of in-depth interviews with five Taiwanese female professional Go players. The research results are as follows: (A) Female professional Go players have clear self-concept In the three dimensions of self-concept, comprised of the physical self, social self, and spiritual self, female professional Go players incline towards loving oneself. Female professional Go players are able to withstand loneliness and frustration, have strong ambition and seek high validation by society, and are able to adjust their mentality to enjoy the process and calmly accept the outcome of the results. (B) Female professional Go players display high self-efficacy. IV The high self-efficacy of female professional Go players are influenced by three factors: the psychological state of facing problems, the level of effort, and the time effort is maintained,. Due to the talent of the female professional Go players themselves and the high praise they receive from society, female professional Go players have a clear understanding of their own self-concept, and are thus motivated to put effort towards setting an example of excellence. This is a prime display of high self-efficacy. (C) Female professional Go players’self-concept and self-efficacy are complementary: In addition to participating in competitions, female professional Go players also shoulder the responsibility of ambassador, with the hopes of developing more Go players for Taiwan. Their self-concept and self-efficacy complement and influence each other in a continuous cycle and have a significant impact on the self-expectations and career planning of female professional Go players. It is the hopes of the writer that the findings and recommendations mentioned above provide valuable input for female professional Go players, education institutions, Go organizations and relevant units, and researchers interested in related issues.圍棋圍棋職業棋士自我概念自我效能Goprofessional Go playerself-conceptself-efficacy圍棋女職業棋士自我概念與自我效能之研究Research on self-concept and self-efficacy for female professional Go players