朱友意謝明機2020-12-102017-8-72020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603129%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115026本研究主題為「島影」,主要藉由筆者周遭的生活圖像出發,並藉由此一媒介來探討過去、現在與未來之間記憶的存續,透過影像的再製呈現及還原當下的人、事、物、地,並一如歷史般的經由繪畫作為連結刻畫出過往的視覺經驗,引發人們曾經共同存在的真實感。誠如康德所言:「美是愉悅的表現」,由此來闡明藝術無論是貴賤或貧窮、主觀或是客觀的表明人的思維意志,圖像確實能為我們創造出美好普世價值。   在創作作品中,將當下的人物圖像,輔以攝影美學所呈現的照片場景,運用寫實主義繪畫理論基礎,視覺圖像的象徵主義,以及心理學上的移情作用透過生活中的物品,經由現代藝術的表現手法進行對照、挪用、拼貼,將我們生活上的林林種種,隱含在不斷逝去的記憶裡,猶如蒙太奇的剪輯手法,使超現實的慾望更顯真實與甜美。   紀錄台灣現今的生活形態中,發掘基層人民旺盛的生命力,讓擁有這塊土地的人們體認到文化的傳承與創造是一脈相傳的,而裝飾藝術與色彩的試煉為得尋求更多元的創作方向。「島影」—利用影像.繪畫來再現心中意象的創作研究,正是喚醒著我們當下擁有的美好時光,而筆者一系列的創作,其中最重要的是從「人與環境的互動」的議題為出發點,希望能藉由畫作來喚醒人類善的本性,用愛來善待這片土地,用呵護幼苗的心來灌溉,並能更珍惜並保有這珍藏生命情感的地方。Taking the Island Shadow as the theme, the study regards the life images surrounding the author as a medium to explore the continuity of the memories about past, present and future and then historically depicts the past visual experiences by pictures to arouse real sense of common existence in the past among people through reproduction of images and restoration of person, events, objects, and place. Just as Immanuel Kant has put: “Beauty is expressed by joyfulness”, no matter what status or wealth the art has, it does have a subjective or objective expression about the human thoughts. And the images can indeed help create beautiful universal values for us.   In the creations of the works, modern character images, everything in our life, passing memories and super-realistic desire can become more real and beautiful with the assistance of photographic aesthetics presented by photo scene and the application of the painting theory based on realism, symbolism of visual images and empathy of psychology through the objects in life and modern artistic technique of expression such as contrast, borrowing and splicing.   In the process of recording the modern life of Taiwan, the energetic vitality of common people is exploited to make the people living in the land realize that the inheritance of culture and creation is traced to the same origin. Moreover, decoration art and color training are aimed to find more diversified creation directions. Island Shadow uses images and paintings to represent the research on the creation of image in mind, which awakes our beautiful time. In the series of writer’s creation, the most important one is to start from the issue of interaction between human and environments with the hope to awake human’s goodness nature by books to treat this land with love, to implant the land with a careful heart and to cherish and protect this precious land which carries our life emotions.數位攝影影像圖像digital photographyvideoimage島 影Taiwan image