李燕宜Lee, Yen-I張曼葶Chang, Man-Ting2022-06-082022-02-102022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/69a5fa183e5c62771202e778a4770a5f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118171克拉拉.舒曼(Clara Schumann, 1819-1896)為十九世紀浪漫時期的重要女性作曲家之一,亦為該時期傑出的鋼琴演奏家、著名音樂家羅伯特‧舒曼(Robert Schumann, 1810-1856)的妻子。筆者閱讀其生平背景及創作風格等文獻後,發現克拉拉的寫作風格在1840年前後形成了對比,克拉拉在結婚前的歌曲創作上較彈性自由、具表現力;婚後則轉為細膩,鋼琴部分有更多節奏變化的空間,且鋼琴與聲樂聲部間彼此獨立,其中在藝術歌曲中的語法,亦可見其獨特的觀點。在現今,有許多對克拉拉作品之研究及傳記相繼問世,證明了她在音樂史上的影響力,故筆者選定了其十二首未出版之藝術歌曲作為研究的題材,期盼透過本次的深入探討,更加了解該位女性作曲家的魅力所在。本次研究之主題《克拉拉.舒曼十二首未出版之藝術歌曲》為克拉拉.舒曼於1829至1853年間出版之作品,取材多以愛情、大自然等方向為主,詩作則選用富有才華的好友之詩作,或選自有名氣的作家之偉大詩作來譜寫其樂曲。本論文共包含四個章節:第一章為緒論,說明此論文的研究動機及研究方法與架構;第二章為文獻探討,將從德文藝術歌曲發展概況與作曲家生平切入,以了解克拉拉的成長背景,並進階探討其所創作之作品,進而認識克拉拉的作曲手法以及其十二首未出版之藝術歌曲常引用的著名詩人;第三章為樂曲分析與詮釋,將分別對十二首藝術歌曲進行詩意探討及樂曲分析,並從鋼琴合作之角度說明筆者在詮釋上的想法,以提供演奏上的建議;第四章則為結語,將彙整各章節之重點資訊,在最後進行表格比較及內容統整。Clara Schumann (1819-1896) was one of the most important female composers in the romantic period of the nineteenth century. She was also an outstanding pianist as well as the wife of famous musician Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856). After reading document about and her life background, writing style and other documents, the author found that Clara’s writing style demonstrated a contrast before and after the marriage in 1840. She was more flexible and expressive in the writing of pre-marital songs; after marriage, it became delicate. The piano part has more room for rhythm changes the piano and vocal parts are independent of each other. The articulation in art songs can also be seen in its unique perspective. Nowadays, many studies and biographies of Clara’s works have been published, proving her influence in the history of music. Therefore, the author has selected her twelve unpublished art songs as the subject of this research. In this in-depth discussion, the author has a better understanding of the charm of this female composer.The topic of this research,"Clara Schumann's Twelve Unpublished Art Songs", is a work composed between 1829 and 1853. The poetry are mostly about love, nature. Poet of her time by her talented friends or famous writers to compose her music. This thesis contains four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, explaining the research motives, research methods and structure of this thesis. The second chapter is an analysis of relevant literature regarding the development of German art songs and the composer’s life in order to understand her composing techniques and poets of these twelve art songs. Chapter 3 is an analysis and interpretation of twelve art songs’ turn the part of view of Collaborative Piano, so as to provide suggestions on performance. Chapter 4 is a conclusion, which summarizes the key information of each chapter, and make comparison.女性作曲家克拉拉.舒曼浪漫時期德文藝術歌曲鋼琴合作Clara SchumannCollaborative Pianofemale composerGerman Art SongsRomantic Period克拉拉‧舒曼十二首未出版藝術歌曲之分析與演奏詮釋An Analysis and the Interpretation of Clara Schumann’s Twelve Unpublished Art Songs作品連同書面報告(藝術類)