王前龍2019-08-122019-08-122000-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82007民國86年間《認識台灣》教科書引發國家認同意識型態爭議,當時《社會篇》雖未如《歷史篇》般廣受關切,然其中卻更明顯反映統治階級台灣化後建構台灣認同的意圖。本文嘗試突破「中國意識與台灣意識」的單層面分析架構,而以自由主義與民族主義的觀點解析《社會篇》中在族群認、文化認同、制度認同論述的實質內涵。《社會篇》中的國家認同論述傾向於「自由民族主義」的特徵。它以自由主義式的「四大族群」、「多元文化」論述來建構「台灣人」認同,並以「台灣魂」、「悲情歷史」等民族主義式的文化認同論述予以強化。制度認同方面強調民主法治,經濟自由、多元社會等自由主義式的論述,但也以此建構台灣人認同。教科書中部分民族主義式的國家認同論述似已在今日急速全球化趨勢中逐漸式微。The “Taiwanese Identity” has become the ideology of national identity of the ruling KMT government after the “Taiwanization” of the KMT in recent years. It was shown especially in the “Volume of Society” of the textbook series “Knowing Taiwan,” which aroused controversies concerning national identity in 1997.With the perspectives of nationalism and liberalism, this study analyzes the ideology of national identity in the “Volume of Society,” which reflects the characteristics of “liberal nationalism.” For example, it intended to construct the “Taiwanese Identity” with the liberal ideas such as “multiculturalism” and “four ethnic groups” rather than the previous nationalistic idea of “Taiwanese Nationalism.” However, it reinforced the Taiwanese Identity with the nationalistic ideas of “the spirit of Taiwan” and of “the history of sadness.” In addition, it constructed the Taiwanese Identity with the liberal ideas of democracy and of capitalism. Under the trend of globalization, however, some nationalistic ideas in the “Volume of Society” seem to become less important than in the past.國家認同自由民族主義課程National identityLiberal nationalismCurriculum國民中學「認識臺灣(社會篇)」教科書中之國家認同論述National Identity and the Textbooks of