黃乃熒謝逸勳Yi-Hsun, Hsieh2019-08-282014-6-282019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000292%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90162本研究旨在探討新北市教師領導與教師專業發展的現況教師專業發展的現況,並分析不同的個人背景變項以及學校環境變項知覺教師領導與教師專業發展的差異情形,進而探究教師領導與教師專業發展的關係與教師領導對教師專業發展的預測力。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究採取問卷調查法,參酌相關文獻後,編制「國民小學教師領導與教師專業發展調查問卷」作為研究工具。以新北市202所國民小學為研究母群體,在依據學校規模採取分層隨機抽樣填答人數,共發出526份問卷,份問卷,回收問卷計469份,回收率達89.18%;剔除填答不完整等無效問卷14份,總計有效問卷為455份,有效問卷回收率達86.5%。本研究以SPSS for Windows17.0版統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法。 綜合文獻探討及調查研究結果之發現,獲致以下九項結論: 壹、教師領導運作現況已具相當的實踐,程度最高為個別自我領導。 貳、教師專業發展現況已具相當的實踐,程度最高為培養專業精神。 參、教師知覺教師領導的程度為師專或碩士學歷教師高於學士,且服務年資11 至20年高於5年以下,擔任職務以主任最高。 肆、教師知覺教師專業發展程度以師專高於碩士與學士,且學校規模13至24班 普遍高於比60班以上學校。 伍、教師領導與教師專業發展存有正面相互影響的關係 陸、教師領導中個別自我領導與同儕合作領導會影響教師專業發展中增進專業知能、持續專業進修與精進專業實踐的發展 柒、教師領導中同儕合作領導之運作對教師專業發展中增進專業知能、持續專業進修與精進專業實踐最為重要 捌、教師領導中個別自我領導之運作對教師專業發展中培養專業精神層面影響最大 玖、教師領導中教學文化領導在目前教育現場中最不受重視。This research intends to explore the relationship between teacher leadership and teacher’s professional development at elementary schools in New Taipei City, including the impact of their different backgrounds on this relationship. The main purposes of this study were: investigate the present situations of elementary school teacher leadership and teacher’s professional development; explore the relationship between teacher leadership and teacher’s professional development at elementary schools, including the impact of their different backgrounds on this relationship; explore the relationship between elementary teacher leadership and teacher’s professional development; discuss the significantly prediction between elementary school teacher’s leadership and teacher’s professional development; provide results of this research to school teachers, school administrators, educational authorities, and future researcher for their reference. As stratified samples, 526 elementary school teachers in New Taipei City were randomly selected. Each was given a uniform questionnaire. As a result, 455 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The valid retrieval rate amounts to 86.5%. The data analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression. According to the analysis and discussion upon this mentioned result, the following conclusions were numerated: 1. The teacher leadership of elementary school teachers in New Taipei City could be categorized as medium to high level but teaching culture leadership is the last one. 2. The teacher’s professional development of elementary school teachers in New Taipei City could be categorized as medium to high level. 3. Some of the enquired background variables like educational background, post, and seniority did impose significant difference upon teacher leadership in elementary schools in New Taipei City. 4. Some of the enquired background variables like educational background and school size did impose significant difference upon teacher’s professional development in elementary schools in New Taipei City. 5. There is a medium positive correlation between teacher leadership and teacher’s professional leadership in New Taipei City. 6. Self-individual leadership and peer-collaboration leadership in teacher leadership would inference teacher professional development, especially 7. Peer-collaboration leadership would influence promoting professional knowledge, continuing professional learning, and striving professional practice in teacher’s professional development. 8. Self-individual leadership in teacher leadership would inference cultivating professional sprit in teacher’s professional development most. 9. Teaching-culture leadership in teacher leadership would be the last part we focused. Finally, based on the result of this research, suggestions are provided for school teachers, school administrators, educational authorities, and future researchers for their reference.教師領導教師專業發展Teacher LeadershipTeacher’s Professional Development新北市國民小學教師領導與教師專業發展之相關研究The study of the relationships between teacher leadership and teachers’ professional development in elementary schools of New Taipei City.