田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan蔡文汝Tsai, Wen-Ju2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/640d62d53115dff1077d42c5c4059843/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119516本研究旨在探討母女關係互動及代間傳遞之內涵,以及如何活出更健康的母女關係。本研究採質性研究之敘說研究,邀請研究者的阿嬤、媽和妹擔任研究參與者,含研究者自身母女關係自我書寫文本,共4位研究參與者。過程使用半結構式訪談大綱進行深度訪談,透過沉浸閱讀將訪談文本(阿嬤、媽、妹)和自我書寫文本(研究者)進行主題拆解與改寫,對應研究目的及問題重整為完整的結構描述,最後進行普遍結構討論,研究結果發現如下:一、母女關係代間傳遞內涵:生命歷程、家人關係、價值觀、自我概念、情緒表達與抒發……等。二、調整並活出更健康的母女關係:成年女兒重新設立母女互動界線、在母女關係中表達自己的需要、用對方需要的方式表達愛、母親覺察代間傳遞內涵並調整教養方式。三、認識並接納彼此是獨特的平凡人,並重新做健康的選擇:母女放下對完美母親的期待,女兒不帶指責且刻意地去了解家族及母親的背景脈絡,藉由更多理解母女關係代間傳遞內涵,並自己如何參與其中而被影響,在母女關係中重新做更健康的選擇。基於上述研究發現,研究者對未來研究方向給予具體建議,盼能讓母女關係有更健康的代間傳遞。The purpose of this study was to explore the connotation of mother-daughter interaction and intergenerational transmission, and how to live a healthier mother-daughter relationship. This study adopts the narrative study of qualitative research.There are 4 participants in the research, including the researcher's grandmother, mother, sister and myself. In the process, semi-structured interview outline was used for in-depth interviews. Through immersion reading and corresponding to the research purposes, the interview texts (grandma, mom, sister and researcher myself) were disassembled and rewritten into structural descriptions, and the general structural discussion was finally carried out. The research results are as follows: 1. Connotation of mother-daughter relationship intergenerational transmission: life course, family relationship, values, self-concept, emotional expression and so on.2. Adjust and live a healthier mother-daughter relationship: adult daughters reset the boundaries of mother-daughter interaction, express their own needs in the mother-daughter relationship, and express love in the way that the other mothers need. Mothers aware the connotation of mother-daughter relationship intergenerational transmission and to adjust the parenting style.3. Recognize and accept each other is unique but ordinary people, and to remake healthy choices: mother and daughter both let go of the expectation of perfect mother. Daughters without blame understand the background of the mother and the family. With more understanding of the connotation of mother-daughter relationship intergenerational transmission and the influence of how oneself participate in, mothers and daughters can make more healthy choices in the mother-daughter relationship.Based on these findings, the researchers suggest specific directions for future research in order to make the mother-daughter relationship more healthy mother-daughter relationship intergenerational transmission.母女關係代間傳遞敘說研究mother-daughter relationshipintergenerational transmissionnarrative research母女關係代間傳遞之敘說研究Narrative Research on the Intergenerational Transmission of Mother-Daughter Relationshipetd