黃宇瑀Yu-Yu Huang2014-10-272014-10-272014-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/3868我園中等學校教育,銜接國民中學義務教育及後期中等學校教育,隨著多元社會的到來,也面臨了多元的街突與壓力。中等學校該如何調過以通應環境的變遷?未來又該如何因應種種內外夾攻所帶來的街擊與挑戰?本文分別從生態系統理論、政策回饋模式以及領導理論架構等多重觀點,論述校園面臨生態環境的轉變所承受的困境與挑戰。文章主要分成三個部分。首先陳述影響校園生態轉變的面向,其次分析影響校園生態轉變的原因,最後則提出面對生態轉變的因應之道。In Taiwan, secondary education links junior high compulsory education and upper secondary education. The achievement of social diversification has resulted in various conflicts and pressures. This has led to questions regarding how secondary schools should adapt to the changing environment and how to appropriately respond to the impact and challenges of numerous internal and external factors. This study explores the difficult conditions and challenges experienced by campuses undergoing ecosystem changes using multiple perspectives, namely, ecosystem theory, a policy feedback model, and the leadership theory framework. This study is divided into three main sections. First, the dimensions affecting changes in campus ecosystems are identified. Then, the reasons influencing campus ecosystem changes are analyzed. Finally, strategies for adapting to ecosystem changes are proposed.中等教育生態系統政策回饋模式領導理論架構secondary educationecosystempolicy feedback modelleadership theory framework從校園生態環境的轉變論述當前我國中等學校所面臨的挑戰與因應The Ecosystem Analysis of Transformation in the Secondary Schools: Challenges and Actions needed