李根芳Lee, Ken-Fang呂明璇Lu, Ming-Hsuan2024-12-172024-07-272024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/19e79ea85698ff88f265a51a7da7e3ef/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122977韓國流行音樂(K‑pop)自2010年代中期起在全世界引起流行,而其中的代表團體之一便是於2013年出道的男子團體「防彈少年團(BTS)」。許多研究者將防彈少年團在國際市場上的成功歸因於社群媒體及網路平臺的運用、對西方文化元素的挪用等,但其實在防彈少年團進入國際市場的過程中,粉絲所消費的許多文本並無由製作公司所提供的翻譯,閱聽人必須仰賴由粉絲自發性無酬製作的翻譯才能理解,因此粉絲翻譯可謂防彈少年團取得商業成功及粉絲社群形成的基礎。既有對於粉絲翻譯的研究大多針對動漫及電視劇的粉絲社群,對於K‑pop相關粉絲翻譯的研究則較為欠缺,本研究以英文及繁體中文的防彈少年團粉絲翻譯為個案研究對象,探討K‑pop的粉絲翻譯生態。研究發現,防彈少年團的粉絲翻譯在翻譯策略和經營方式上類似其他領域的粉絲翻譯,但防彈少年團的商業模式,以及韓流2.0粉絲活躍參與的特性促成了直播的即時文字翻譯、二次創作作品翻譯等不同的翻譯活動,而粉絲社群開放、合作的特性也促成了粉絲翻譯活動中特別的合作現象。粉絲翻譯製作者透過直譯和大量註解等方式進行文化翻譯,並充分運用色彩等各種符碼建立粉絲的親密感。主要在社群媒體上進行的粉絲翻譯也有明顯的社群網路使用者導向,並善用社群媒體特性提供二創的空間。粉絲翻譯不僅幫助了防彈少年團累積粉絲,在粉絲文化的形成中也扮演了重要角色。BTS is one of the most successful acts in the global rise of Korean pop music (hereafter K-pop) since the 2010s. Researchers have attributed the success of BTS in the global market to factors such as the use of online platforms and social media and the appropriation of Western culture. Nevertheless, when BTS was breaking into the global market, fans often had to rely on fan translation to understand their content. Fan translation can be viewed as the foundation of the success of BTS.Existing research on fan translation mostly focuses on translations for animes and TV dramas, and in-depth research into fan translations for K-pop content is relatively scarce. This thesis is a case study on the English and Traditional Chinese fan translations for BTS.It is found that the fan translations for BTS bear some similarities to fan translations in other kinds of fandoms in terms of translation strategies and how teams operate, but the business model of BTS and the participatory nature of Hallyu 2.0 have led to some differences such as the emergence of real-time translations for live broadcasts and cooperation among members of the community. Fan translators practice cultural translation through literal translation and the use of annotations, and they make use of codes such as colors to build intimacy for the fans. The fan translation is oriented toward social media users, and the nature of social media platforms also provides room for derivative works. Fan translation has not only helped BTS gain fans globally but also played a significant role in the group's fandom culture.粉絲翻譯粉絲字幕韓流2.0BTSK‑popfan translationfansubbingHallyu 2.0BTSK-pop韓國流行音樂團體防彈少年團(BTS)的粉絲翻譯A Case Study of Fan Translations for BTS學術論文