闕月清王愛麟2019-09-052006-6-202019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0590041004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105266本研究旨在探討理解式球類教學對國中學生籃球運動之認知、技能、情意與比賽表現的學習效果與知覺情形,並比較男女生學習效果之差異情形。研究對臺北市某國中九年級學生共30位,其中包括男生15位、女生15位。以理解式球類教學法之課程設計,實施8節課的籃球教學介入,並配合籃球認知測驗、技能測驗、體育課情意量表與比賽表現評量(GPAI)進行前測與後測。以相依樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗與共變數分析為量化資料進行統計分析;另外以訪談方式與學生心得進行質性資料的蒐集,採用持續比較法進行內容之分析。發現國中九年級學生經過理解式球類教學法的籃球教學後,結果如下:(一)男生與女生的籃球認知表現皆有顯著進步。理解式球類教學強調個別差異與適性教學,因此不同性別學生的認知學習效果是相同的。(二)男生與女生的籃球客觀技能表現沒有顯著進步;但在主觀技能表現方面有顯著進步。男女生因身心特徵的差異,導致不同性別學生技能學習效果差異。學生在知其所學技能之目的後,能夠自己找時間練習者進步較為顯著。(三)理解式球類教學後,男生與女生的籃球情意表現皆有顯著進步。因為教學內容以遊戲比賽的方式進行,學生較有興趣也比較容易理解,因此對籃球運動產生興趣,進而會在平常時間主動吸收籃球知識與進行活動。(四)理解式球類教學後,男生與女生的籃球比賽表現皆有顯著進步。學生不斷的在各種遊戲比賽中學習做適當決定,女生雖然在技能執行部份不如男生,但在移位判斷與支援接應與男生不分軒輊,因此不同性別學生的比賽表現學習效果是相同的。本研究發現有體育教學上之參考價值。The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) towards cognitive, skills, and affective in basketball, as well as perception phenomenon in competition performance for junior high students. The discrepancy in study effects between males and females was also examined. The participants in this study were thirty ninth-graders in Taipei, with 15 males and 15 females. Teaching Games for Understanding approach for basketball was conducted eight class periods in four weeks. Pretest and posttest were administered to the participants using basketball cognitive test, skill test, Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). At the same time, the qualitative data were collected via interview with students and analyzed with constantly comparison method. The results were as following:(1) After the implementation of TGfU, the cognitive performance both in males and females was improved. TGfU emphasized individual differences and individualized instructions, so the cognitive learning effects were the same even among different genders.(2) After the implementation of TGfU, the objective skill performance both in males and females was not improved distinctly, but the opposite way for subjective term. The variation among males and females gave rise to variation in skill performance due to different genders. After realizing the purpose of learning skills, students setting aside time to practice in order to have better improvement.(3) After the implementation of TGfU, the affective performance both in males and females showed distinct improvement.(4) After the implementation of TGfU, the game performance both in males and females was improved. Students constantly learn to make appropriate decisions in all kinds of games. Although females did not surpass males in skill execution parts, they parallel when it comes to support. That explained why the games performance results showed no difference.理解式球類教學法學習效果GPAI理解式球類教學法對國中學生籃球學習效果之研究