國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所吳佩軒邱銘心 2015-07-032015-07-032010-12-011990-9128http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73555為解決近年來學術傳播因受限於出版社授權機制而造成的困 境,許多大學以開放取用的精神為基礎,著手建置能展示、傳播 其學術研究成果的平臺――機構典藏。而目前國內關於機構典藏 的研究多為建置前的使用者研究,較無針對機構典藏正式營運後 之使用情況進行研究。因此本研究以半結構式訪談法為主,探討 臺大電資學院教師進行研究與教學準備之學術工作模式,及其對 臺灣大學機構典藏的認知與態度。最後並進一步從發展政策、系 統功能設計、內容提交制度、圖書館推廣活動等四方面針對臺灣 大學機構典藏的未來發展提出建議。In recent years, scholarly communication is greatly affected by the copyright and licensing agreement from the publishers. Universities in Taiwan and around the world, in the spirit of open access, have begun to development a platform that is able to display and disseminate its research output -- an institutional repository. Up to date, research on institutional repository is primarily oriented toward user study prior to actual system development, instead of the post development research. This study used a semi-structured interview technique to explore the way faculty organized their academic work patterns, and their attitudes and awareness towards National Taiwan University Institutional Repository (NTUR). Furthermore, the study also provided recommendation to NTUR from four aspects, including policy, system design, content recruitment, and outreach and marketing.機構典藏開放取用學術工作模式Institutional repositoriesOpen accessAcademic work patterns從學術工作模式探討大學教師對於機構典藏之態度研究Understanding Faculty's Attitude toward Institutional RepositoryAn Academic Work Patterns Study�