王瓊麗鄧詩展2020-12-102007-2-32020-12-102007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093603108%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114844將長久以來對夢境魅力的追求,轉而成為繪畫創作的思想來源。並深入探求自我內在思維,透過夢境與現實所組構的真實世界,進而表達個人的心靈活動、傳達情感為目的,並作為個人創作發展的新嘗試。 本創作論文以作品創作為發展主軸,配合美術史發展中相關夢境繪畫主要的繪畫理論:象徵主義與超現實主義,以及夢的精神分析心理學理論作為文獻探討,進行作品中夢境與現實所組構的真實世界在思想、美學理論、內容與形式的探討。以此夢境的研究探討為基礎,將夢對個人的價值、對夢幻的追尋與藏於內心對世界的觀感、文化的傳承、人生的憧憬、情感的表露、慾望的追求、末世感的隱憂與思慮等等,將意識與潛意識的思維運作,刻意的、聯想的或是不經意的,透過夢境式的幻象與象徵性的描述予以組合呈現,藉以從中剖析透視夢境心理與現實際遇交織而成的私我體會的真實,顯露潛意識的恐懼與慾望,作為對自我心靈世界的認知與剖析。 【 圓夢 】系列表達的是個人追尋人生夢想、情感依戀及思索人生意義與價值。【童玩.兒戲】系列經由對童年無邪生活的描寫,結合現實世界中相似事物卻隱含不同面向的情境與象徵,藉由夢境的隱喻性作為對現實一種無言的批判,投射出個人內心的思維,成為意念的出口。Having been interested in dream, I have made great efforts to research the dream. During the process of exploring the dream, I attempt to discuss the real world which the dream and the reality compose and further understand my inner consciousness, mental activities and feelings. “Dream” ,therefore, is the origin of the main thoughts at my art works and also a new way of the creation. The creation of art works based on Symbolism and Surrealism in the art history which relates to the dream, and Psychoanalysis as the literature review tries to express the thoughts, Aesthetics, content and form in the dream. My art works using the form of making up the dreamlike phantom and symbolic figure show the dream’s value to the person, the desire of seeking dream, the worldview hiding in the mind, the culture transmission, the future vision, the feeling expressing, the desire for the matter, and the anxiety and fear about the end of the world and so on. Besides, combining the consciousness with unconsciousness by intentional, associative or casual way appears the truth produced by interlacing the mind in the dream with the reality in the real life, reveals the fear and desire within the unconsciousness, and cognizes the mental world of oneself. There are two serial creations at my art works. What “Dream-achieving” Serial Creations express is to seek dreams, require affections, and speculate the life’s meaning and value. “Children’s Playthings& Folkgames” Serial Creations not only reflect the individual’s inner thoughts by describing naive childhood’s life but also reticently criticize the reality through the scene and the symbol in the dream.夢境現實超現實主義象徵主義dreamrealitySurrealismSymbolism尋夢圖誌 —「圓夢」與「童玩.兒戲」系列之創作研究