國立臺灣師範大學教育學系陳皓薇林逢祺洪仁進2014-12-022014-12-022004-04-012073-753Xhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38556九十一學年度九年一貫課程在國民中學正式上路,對傳統的教育生態,產生了前所未有的衝擊與挑戰。在九年一貫諸多的改革議題當中,「課程統整」可謂引起爭議及質疑的核心概念之一,特別在藝術課程領域,教師分科傾向強烈,課程統整更形困難。在抽絲剝繭尋求解答的過程當中,「教師」專業主體一再被彰顯;倘若我們肯定教師專業的必要,就不能不探索與其息息相關的「教師知識」內涵,及教育改革衝擊下轉化的過程。 據此,本文希冀探討課程統整與教師知識轉化間的關係,並集中在「藝術與人文」領域教師所需面對的問題。首先,釐清課程統整及藝術統整的理論基礎;其次,分析「藝術與人文」領域課程設計的統整精神及作法,並討論目前「藝術與人文」領域教師執行此一課程所面臨的困境;最後,則從藝術課程統整的角度,探討「藝術與人文」領域教師所需具備的知識與轉化。The implementation of a nine-year, one-cohesive-line curriculum at the junior high school level has brought unprecedented and difficult challenges to the traditional educational system in Taiwan. Among the hotly debated issues, the ideal of "curriculum integration" has proven most controversial. In the field of arts education, traditional teaching relies heavily on a subject-based model. Therefore, the newly-established "curriculum integration" program which advocates the integration of different art subject areas in each lesson has proved difficult and frustrating to arts teachers. However, teachers' knowledge and competence remains a crucial factor in the search for solutions to educational problems the teachers' professional level is considered crucial; implementation of the new reforms can hardly be separated from the issue of advancing or transforming art teachers' professional skills. Therefore this research project is an analysis of the close connection between the implementation of the curriculum integration policy and the transformation of teachers' professional knowledge. Firstly, we have tried to clarify the theoretical basis for arts subject area and curriculum integration. Secondly, we have attempted to delineate the spirit and the methods of curriculum integration put forth by the nine-year, one-cohesive-line curriculum, and to discuss the problems teachers have had in putting this curriculum into practice. Finally, we have investigated the academic and pedagogical "transformations" an arts teacher must undergo in order to advance her/his professionalism and meet with the new demands of arts curriculum integration.課程統整「藝術與人文」學習領域教師知識curriculum integrationteachers' knowledgeteachers' transformation課程統整與教師知識的轉化以「藝術與人文」 領域教師為例