吳美美鄭瑞南2019-08-292005-6-302019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0021006%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92057  由於資訊及網路的發展,已逐漸改變我們的生活方式及習慣,學生透過網路取得資訊也有逐漸增加的趨勢,而目前國內提供地球科學相關資訊的網站相繼成立,提供學生在地球科學學習上的利用,但是這些地球科學相關網站林立,往往因其任務及目標上的不同,而有內容深淺不一及良莠不齊的情形,令學生在學習地球科學的使用上感到相當困擾,所以能專門針對學生學習地球科學而設計的網站,是有迫切的需要。   研究者自己參與五年有關高中地球科學學習網站的建置工作,發現一個好的學習網站設計,應該滿足學習者的資訊需求及符合其資訊搜尋的方式,所以本研究即採用深度訪談的研究方法,來瞭解學生平時的資訊需求及資訊尋求行為,同時探究學生理想中的高中地球科學學習網站應具有的特質,並且進一步使用內容分析法來分析比較目前臺灣現有的地球科學相關網站所提供的資源,以針對專為學生規劃的高中地球科學學習網站建置,提供具體的建議及參考。   研究發現,在學生學習高中地球科學的資訊需求及資訊尋求行為相當多元,學生經常會受個人、學生角色及外在環境等因素的影響,產生資訊的需求,而學生為滿足其資訊的需求,會透過網站、圖書及雜誌、教師、網路社群、實驗與觀測、同學及好友和大眾媒體七種資訊尋求來源類型,以進行資訊的尋求,而每一種資訊尋求來源類型的來源管道也非常多元。而對於學生理想中的高中地球科學學習網站應具有的特質中,學生首重網站所提供的內容資訊及介面與互動功能,而臺灣目前地球科學網站與學生的理想網站的比較,最缺乏的是回饋與支持功能,並且很少是專為高中生所建置的地球科學學習網站。   本研究並分別針對網站建置者、高中生及地球科學教師提出一些建議。對網站建置者而言,建置者需注意網站設計應首重提供高中生適合的內容,並加入更多的互動功能,以發揮網站的特性,讓學生的學習更多元且增加學習的樂趣,而針對目前大部份網站所最缺乏的回饋功能,網站更應提供足夠的回饋與支持服務,以提供更多解決問題的管道。對高中生而言,建議學生可以多熟悉各種資訊尋求的型態及其特質,使資訊的尋求更加有效率。此外,學生如能更瞭解目前地球科學網路的資源,將能夠更加善用目前地球科學的網路資源。對地球科學教師而言,教師可以藉由瞭解學生的資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,以提供能滿足學生需求及符合學生資訊尋求行為的學習指引,同時可以藉由本研究有關目前臺灣地球科學網站現況的分析,更完整的瞭解目前地球科學網路的資源,以結合網路資源於教材或教學活動中,使學生學習地球科學更加多元。    A good learning website is supposed to cater to the needs and information searching styles of the users for the purpose of meet the needs and using habits of the users. This research employed in-depth interview to get an understanding of the information need and information seeking behavior of students and what an ideal learning website looks like from students’ point of view. The research also used content analysis method to analyze and compare the information provided by existing learning website. It is expected that these research result and suggestions can be of value to those who are going to set up new earth science learning website.     The research found that students’ information needs and information seeking behavior were diverse when learning earth science. The factors affecting their information needs were personality, role and outside environments. There were seven approaches for students to seek information, including websites, books and magazines, teachers, network group, experiments and observations, friends and public media. For students, an ideal earth science learning website should provide sufficient contents and interface& interacting functions. Among the existing learning websites, few provide the function of feedback and support for students. Besides, few earth science learning websites are set up for senior high school students.     This research put forth the following suggestions. For websites establishers, when setting up a new website, they should pay attention to the contents, employ more interactive functions and provide sufficient feedback and support service. For senior high school students, they should familiarize themselves with characteristics of every information seeking method so that they can accelerate their information seeking process. Besides, students can get further understanding of the earth science websites resources, knowing how to make good use of them. For teachers teaching science earth, they can provide students with suitable instructions concerning information seeking behavior if they can understand the information needs and information seeking behavior of students. In addition, from the research, teachers can get a clearer understanding of the present earth science network resources and combine these resources into their teaching activities. .資訊需求資訊尋求高中地球科學網站設計網站建置information needinformation seekhigh school earth sciencewebsite designwebsite construction從學生資訊需求及資訊尋求行為探討高中地球科學學習網站之規劃