施人英Shih, Jen-Ying許慧雯HSU, HUI-WEN2022-06-082024-06-202022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8ab9a139a4aa4c37437cabed5c1134de/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117955本研究探討金融業者如何透過內部流程創新觀點優化信用卡徵授信流程,掌握更精準的客戶相關資料,並延伸客戶商品的服務範圍與強化徵授信風險管理。信用卡業務是消費金融產品的重點業務之一,本研究將以臺灣的大型商業銀行之一的T銀行為研究對象,探討由傳統銀行業轉型數位金融後,透過金融科技的運用在信用卡徵授信流程中如何與時俱進運用流程創新觀點來優化作業流程,減降人工作業工時與誤差,並同時做好預防詐欺偽冒與防範逾期呆帳的風險。本研究目的歸納以下三點: 一、如何透過數位優化與運用金融科技的方式,優化信用卡徵授信作業流程。 二、以數位優化與運用金融科技的管道申請信用卡,產生的偽冒辦卡風險態樣分析。 三、透過數位優化與運用金融科技的管道申請信用卡,逾期繳款催收的客群態樣分析。 本研究擬由「流程創新」理論(Process Innovation)與金融機構「授信原則」為文獻探討基礎,採用「個案研究」做為研究方法,以個案T銀行發展的歷史為背景,運用金融科技Bank3.0、串接數位服務個人化平台(MyData)、行動身分識別服務(Mobile ID)持續進行「流程創新」進而優化信用卡徵授信作業流程來研究,分析優化後徵授信作業的補件流程效益、偽冒申請態樣及逾期放款的風險預防管控,兼以金融法規探討為輔,綜合分析國內金融科技發展現況及未來推動策略方向。個案研究資料來源為T銀行內部相關資料,包括:2020年申辦信用卡線上補件數據資料、預防偽冒的資料態樣與數據及通路來源、逾期放款催收的資料態樣與數據,研究分析趨勢與探討高風險因子在流程創新優化的同時,提供信用卡徵授信人員在業務目標與授信原則風險承擔之間妥善評估。研究結果發現徵授信作業流程的風險有以下型態: 一、信用卡申請資料不實、資料異常、疑偽冒。 二、信用卡徵授信人工審理的經驗判斷誤差及後續客戶持卡繳款異常。 三、信用卡徵授信流程需避免違反內外部相關法令與準則規範導致客戶權益受損或公司商譽損失。 剖析T銀行在金融機構中的定位並透過金融創新流程優化成功的商業模式和客群來源分析,試圖從本研究中探究出主導流程創新成功的關鍵因素與可能增加或面臨的風險因素,並結合文獻理論與現況分析的結果,來探討台灣金融機構業者歷經數位優化或金融科技創新後,除了提供民眾更便利的金融服務滿足多元的需求之外,未來可能面臨的衝擊或風險及提出因應措施之建言,可提供金融業於防範信用卡徵授信作業風險時之參考。The thesis is based on the position as Taiwan financial corporations, to investigate the potential improvement of internal credit check process by innovative perspectives on the process, to accurately control customer related documentation, and besides to expand the service coverage of customers and to reinforce the risk management of credit check and extension.The business of credit cards is one of the bestsellers among consumer financial products. This research is targeted one of the financial institutes, T Bank in Taiwan, to investigate the application of financial technology in credit check process, and the measures of how to utilize innovative perspectives in the process, the optimization of the procedure, the decrease of possible inaccuracy in artificial checking procedure, and the prevention of the risk of fraud and outstanding debt. The objectives of this research can be summarized as following:1. Utilize digital optimization and financial technology to improve the process of credit check.2. Analyze the sample cases of fake application of credit card via the process of digital optimization and financial technology.3. Analyze the sample cases of fake customers who have been categorized as overdue account receivable via the process of digital optimization and financial technology.The thesis is based on literature of Process Innovation Perspective and Criterion for Credit Check, and used “Case Study” as a basis to explore the development and historical background of T Bank from Financial technology--Bank 3.0, and Personal Platform of Digital Streamline--My DATA, and Mobile Identification Service --Mobile ID to investigate the continuous innovation process of credit check, the effectiveness of improved process after supplementary, and the risk management of fake application documentation, and overdue debt. The research is based on financial regulations to comprehensively analyze the current development of Taiwan financial technology and prospective strategies and directions.The resource of the case study refers to the database from T Bank, including the statistics of the supplementary case of online credit card applications in 2020, the data of prevention of fake documentation and resources, and statistics and cases of overdue debt. To discuss the tendency and possibility of innovation process, and simultaneously offer the evaluations and solutions of sales target and credit principles for the staff who tackle the related cases. This research gives some concluding remarks as follows.1. Forge document, fraudulent claim, and suspicious application for credit cards2. Inaccurate authorization of credit card application via personnel examination and abnormal payment of credit card holders.3. Deprivation of personal and corporation fame due to credit check processes which violate internal or external regulations and rules.This thesis is to analyze the position of T Bank among Taiwanese financial institutes, to conclude the financial innovative process and optimization among the current customer database and to finalize the critical aspects of innovative process and possible risk factors with supporting literature and the actual situation. In terms of digital optimization and financial technology, this research tries to provide solutions and suggestions for Taiwanese financial institutes who might face the impact and risks, and besides possible risks of credit check in the future when offering convenient financial service and multiple functions to the public.流程創新金融科技個案研究授信風險Process InnovationFinancial TechnologyCase StudyRisk of Credit Check以流程創新觀點優化銀行信用卡徵授信作業流程-以T銀行為例Improving Credit Check Process by Process Innovation Perspective: Case Study of T Bank學術論文