國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所;國立臺灣師範大學體育學系程紹同2014-12-022014-12-022010/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/3796421世紀全球運動產業持續成長,並促進國家整體之發展(SportBusiness Journal, 2006,程紹同,2006, Parks, Quarterman, and Thibault, 2007),由各項 國際運動賽事所創造出的經濟效益與帶動城市及地區的整體發展,可知運動產業 的全球影響力。亞洲現已成為世界運動產業發展的重心( Sport Business International, 2010, Cheng, 2009, Kim, 2006),面對亞洲運動市場的專業人力之殷 求,帶動亞洲高等教育學府相繼設置運動管理暨產業經營管理相關科系及課程 (大學部到碩博士班),廣受年輕學子的喜愛,其中以日本、韓國、台灣及中國 等亞洲地區發展最早且快速。然而,在高度競爭及市場導向的職場環境下,高等 教育學府所訓練出的專業能力是否真正符合所需要呢? 根據2009年6月美國運動 商業周刊(SportBusiness Journal)調查發現,近半數的全美運動產業資深主管認 為是無法迎合未來工作上的要求(SportBusiness Journal, 2009),而亞洲包括台 灣也有同樣的問題存在。本研究欲以運動產業市場需求導向為出發點,建構一個 符合運動產業市場所需要的專業能力需求指標,期能減少運動產業界專業能力需 求與高等教育學府專業人才培育間的認知隔閡。亞洲運動產業發展程度及內容各有 不同,其專業能力需求指標應有所異同之處,本研究之跨國比較結果應屬於國際間 第一篇亞洲比較研究,希望可建構一套適用於亞洲運動產業發展參照之專業能力指 標。本研究方法為文獻分析、訪談法、德爾菲法等質性以及層級分析法、問卷調查 法等量性研究方法。亞洲運動產業人才培育議題不僅已成為國際學術探討之主流趨 勢之一,而且深受亞洲先進國家的高度重視,本研究成果應可提供後續相關研究及 國家重要政策之產官學界參考。The global sport industry has been growing in the 21st century and it also stimulates the nation’s development (SportBusiness Journal, 2006;Cheng, 2006; Parks, Quarterman, and Thibault, 2007). The international influence of sport industry can be approved by the significant economical impact and city/nation development via hosting the different international sport events. Nowadays Asia has become the center of developing world sport industry and created the need of professional human powers in the sport business markets (Sport Business International, 2010, Cheng, 2009, Kim, 2006). The under/graduate programs of sport (industry) management in the higher education institutes have been developing rapidly and these programs are very welcomed by the youngsters. The educational programs and sport markets in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China are more developed and advanced in Asia. However, academic standards and preparations of universities often do not match what competencies are needed in sport industry, especially in the highly competitive and market-oriented environment. There definitely seems to be a gap between the academic and "reality" sides of this issue. According to the result of the Turnkey Sports Poll of SportBusiness Journal taken in June, 2009, 49.2% of senior-level sport industry executives do not recognize that sport management programs do an adequate job of managing student expectations with regard to their job prospects upon graduation (SportBusiness Journal, 2009). The same problems are happening in Asia and Taiwan as well. The purpose of this study is to develop the professional competence index which matches the real needs of sport industry with the market orientation. It is expected that the results of this study will bridge the gap among the higher education, sport business, and government sides. The mature level and segments of Asian sport industries differ at different regions and the professional competence index differs as well. This study is expected to develop a suitable professional competence index for Asian as the first international comparative study of Asia sport industry in the world. The qualitative and quantitative research methods including literature review, in-depth interviews, Delphi technique, Analytic Hierarchy Process and questionnaire will be applied in this study. The professional competence preparation has becoming the main stream issue of international academic field of sport (industry) management, which is emphasized by Asian advanced countries. This study will contribute the valuable results and suggestions for further studies and provide important references for national policy making, educational programming, and human resource managing of sport industry in Taiwan and Asia.運動產業專業能力指標建構Sport industryprofessional competenceindex construction亞洲高等教育學府運動產業專業人力培育之比較研究---以台灣、日本、韓國及中國為例-總計畫暨子計畫三---亞洲運動產業經理人專業能力之國際比較研究A Comparison Study on Professional Competencies of the Asian Sport Industry Managers