陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen許涵棚Hsu, Han-Peng2023-12-082023-02-082023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b1100ecb7b4b839da9ef77416454cb34/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121732根據Euromonitor International於2020年的調查,2020年全球泳裝市場規模已經超過160億美元,預計到2025年,市場規模將增長到214億美元左右。在報告裡也指出2020年泳裝銷售量創下新高,尤其在低緯度國家的市場增量極為驚人。從市場數據可以看出,即使是疫情也沒有阻止消費者購買泳裝的腳步,而在臺灣更是如此。全球運動休閒風潮在 1990 年代興起後,民眾對於運動休閒服飾不復過去只注重價格與功能性,產品的質感、舒適性以及樣式的新穎設計,都是民眾選購休閒服飾的重要訴求,泳裝更是如此。泳裝的款式與風格隨著生活型態的改變,不再單純只追求功能性或速度感,也可以是兼具藝術性與創作性的功能性商品,除了具備游泳運動的功能之外,亦可表達人們的美感與藝術展現。本研究係以問卷調查的方式,透過描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元線性迴歸分析,探究泳裝消費者購買行為傾向、品牌偏好與再購意願,最終有效問卷192份。由研究結果得知現在購買泳裝的消費者多為21-30歲的年輕人,而選購泳裝不再以功能性為主,而是以外型好看為選購主因,在價格方面也比過去願意花更多金額在選購泳裝。女性消費者蒐集泳裝資訊的行為比男性高,代表泳裝廣告文宣的主要接收族群可能還是女性。因此本研究建議泳裝廠商除了針對泳裝功能做傳統廣告文宣外,也應該把女性族群可能會有興趣的資訊考慮進去,藉由此策略,期待在女性族群隨意翻看或瀏覽泳裝商品時,可能會因為廣告文宣的刺激而產生她們購買泳裝的慾望。According to Euromonitor International, the global swimwear market has exceeded US$16 billion in 2020, and it is expected to reach to about US$21.4 billion by 2025. Additionally, it also pointed out that the sales of swimwear will hit a historic high in 2020, particularly in low-latitude countries where swimwear sales are expanding at a surprisingly quick rate. Consequently, it can be inferred that though the COVID-19 pandemic has been ravaging the globe, it does not prevent customers from purchasing swimwear. Nowadays, customers choose their casual wears based on factors such as quality, comfort, design, in addition to price and functionality, especially in swimwear. The styles of swimwear are changing with the lifestyle, not merely for functionality and speed, but also artistry and creativity. Except for supporting doing exercise, swimwear also conveys people’s aesthetic value. This research was based on questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, single factor variance analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression were used to analyze swimwear consumers' purchasing behavior, brand preference and repurchase intention. A total of 192 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this study indicated that most of the swimwear consumers aged 21-30. They were willing to spend more money on swimwear and they were more concerned with aesthetics than with functionality. Female consumers were more likely to collect swimwear information than male consumers, demonstrating that woman were the main receivers of swimwear advertisements. Consequently,this study suggested that swimwear manufacturers should take gender into account when conducting promotions. Anticipated that while women were looking through the advertisements or window shopping , they would be more interested in purchasing swimwear.泳裝消費運動時尚資訊搜尋swimming suit consumptionsports fashionInformation search泳裝消費者購買行為傾向、品牌偏好與再購意願之研究Exploratory Buying Behavior Tendency, Brand Preference, and Repurchasing Intentionof Swimming Suit Consumersetd