洪仁進Hung, Ren-Jin陳為邦Chen, Wei-Bang2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0502003106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91154本研究旨在探討有關臺北市國民中學教師如何透過實施蘇格拉底對話,使教師澄清對於教師專業之看法,並藉由蘇格拉底對話施行之歷程,進一步透過反思及他人經驗之分享,增進教師在專業上之成長。在研究方法上,本研究採用個案研究法進行研究,以臺北市天空學校(匿名)之6位教師為研究對象。進行為期4周、3次共6小時的蘇格拉底對話活動,並以「何謂教師專業?」、「何謂教師工作壓力?」以及「何謂教師兼任行政工作壓力?」為主題進行探討,結果如下: 壹、蘇格拉底對話法之運用,能有效提供教師分享及反思於從事教師工作中之各種經驗,對於促進教師專業成長,有其成效。 貳、促進者在運用蘇格拉底對話法於教師對話時,應具有好的聚焦與提問能力,方能有效引導對話議題深入探討。 參、教師於進行蘇格拉底對話時,能展現其專業或自主的一面,呈現的對話模式 具有多元面向。 肆、蘇格拉底對話法之實行,能增進參與對話之教師對於議題談話之聚焦能力, 並有助於增進個人思考邏輯部分。 伍、受限於討論主題性質,對話成員需有相關背景經驗,方能使對話有效進行, 此為其限制之一。This purpose of this study is to explore how junior high school teachers in Taipei conceptualize and enhance their teacher professionalism by using the Socratic Dialogue, as well as the reflection and the experience sharing during the process. In this case study, six teachers from Taipei City Sky School1 participated the four-week Socratic Dialogue Community, in which three topics were intensively discussed: “What is Teacher Professionalism?” “What is Work Stress of Teachers?” and “What is Work Stress of Teachers with Administrative Duties?” Results were summarized into the following five points. 1. The use of Socratic Dialogue effectively enhanced teachers’ professionalism development by facilitating teachers to share and reflect their teaching experiences. 2. To effectively lead teachers into in-depth discussions on topics during the process of using the Socratic Dialogue, a facilitator should be equipped with good abilities to direct attention and ask questions. 3. During the Socratic Dialogue, teachers showed their professionalism or autonomy, and the dialogue styles they presented are multifaced. 4. Teachers’ ability to direct attention to discussed topics and individual logic of thinking improved by using of the Socratic Dialogue. 5. One of the limitations of this study is that the nature of discussed topics requires participants to have certain level of background experience related to the topics, in order to keep the dialogue going.蘇格拉底對話法教師專業成長個案研究Socratic Dialoguesteacher professionalism developmentcase study蘇格拉底對話在臺北市國民中學教師專業成長之應用—以一所國民中學為例The Application of the Socratic Dialogue on Junior High School Teachers’ Professional Development in Taipei — A Case Study