方銘健林宜玫YI-MEI LIN2019-09-062006-8-42019-09-062006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0588611009%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108480摘 要 本研究旨在探討國中直笛教學以合作學習方式進行,是否能提升學生學習成就、學習動機與班級氣氛?並與一般直笛教學做比較。研究方法主要是實驗研究法與問卷調查法。研究對象為台北縣立板橋市江翠國中一年級學生,隨機抽選四班。再由此四班中分配兩班為合作學習班,兩班為一般教學班,合計四班共153名學生。經過十二週的實驗教學,進行「音樂學習成就測驗」、「直笛學習狀況調查問卷」、「合作學習意見調查表」、「直笛吹奏評量」等測驗與問卷調查。資料處理使用Excel套裝軟體,應用百分比、平均數、單尾、雙尾檢定及t-test等作比較分析。 茲將本研究結果說明如下: 一、合作學習在音樂學習成就的研究結果 接受合作學習的學生,音樂學習成就成績與一般教學學生成績未達顯著差異,不過發現合作學習班的學生成績平均數較一般教學班學生高。 二、合作學習在中音直笛吹奏技能的研究結果 合作學習與一般傳統教學方式比較之下,合作學習班成績較一般教學班學生成績高,且達到顯著差異。 三、合作學習在中音直笛學習動機的研究結果 經過實驗介入之後,合作學習班在學習動機「喜歡」、 「積極主動」、「認真投入」各分量表及總分的平均數,均高於一般教學班,且達到顯著差異。 四、合作學習在班級氣氛上之研究結果 經過實驗介入之後,發現合作學習班在班級氣氛「同儕支持」、「團結滿意度」、「教師支持」各分量表及總分的平均數,均明顯高於一般教學班,且達到顯著差異。 五、學生對合作學習的意見 (一) 問卷調查結果顯示喜歡合作學習教學方式的學生明顯多於喜歡傳統教學方式的學生。 (二) 多數學生肯定合作學習方式能提昇其在中音直笛上的學習成就。 (三) 學生認為合作學習的優點有:組員積極的互相勉勵、學習、切磋,可提高學習成果;上課方式及氣氛活潑;可以訓練良好人際關係。 (四) 學生認為合作學習的方式學習中音直笛缺點有:小組競賽令人有壓力,有時因為緊張,表演成績打折扣;時間很緊迫,在有限的時間內要熟練樂曲很有壓力。 最後根據研究結果,對音樂教師、學校、教育行政單位及未來相關研究提出建議。 關鍵字:中音直笛、合作學習、音樂學習成就、學習動機、班級氣氛Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of promoting motivation,class atmosphere, achievement in the junior high school recorder teaching by implementing “cooperative learning” method with the comparison with traditional teaching method. Empirical approach is adopted in this research by randomly selecting four first grade classes of Chiang Tsui Junior High School, Banqiao, Taipei with a total number of students of 153. After 12 weeks experiment, data are collected in the following forms: “A measurement tool on students' music achievement”; “A questionnaire on students' recorder learning experience”; “A questionnaire on students' opinions on cooperative learning”; “An assessment of recorder performing”.Data are then computed by MicroSoft Excel for descriptive statistics and t-test of single-tail and two-tail. The results of this study are concluded as follows: 1. Music Achievement Result with Cooperative Learning Though the average music achievement scores for students receiving cooperative learning is high than those receiving traditional learning, there is no significant difference of scores between cooperative learning and traditional learning. 2. Alto Recorder Learning Result with Cooperative Learning The test indicates a significant difference of achievement on the recorder learning between students who receive cooperative learning and traditional one. It concludes that cooperative learning promote performancing skill on recorder. 3. Learning Motivation with Cooperative Learning The assessment result shows higher scores on “enjoyment”, “proactive”, and “involvement” than the students receive traditional teaching to a significant level. 4. Class Atmosphere with Cooperative Leaning The assessment result shows that the scores on “peer's support”, “group satisfaction”, and “instructor's support” are higher in the classes with cooperative learning than traditional one to a significant level. 5. Students' Feed Back on Cooperative Learning a. The questionnaire shows that the majority of students prefer cooperative learning to traditional teaching. b. The majority of students give a positive attitude toward cooperative learning on Alto recorder.c. Students perceive the following advantages on cooperative learning: mutual encouraging, learning, exchanging views among team mates; cheery class atmosphere helps inter-person skill. d. Students also recognize the following disadvantages on cooperative learning: pressure arises from group competition; stressfulness results unsatisfactory performance; pressure also arises from the limit of time for practicing. Recommendations are also provided to music instructors, education administration, school administration,and future related research based on this research results. Keywords:Alto recorder, Cooperative Learning, Music Achievement, Learning Motivation, Class Atmosphere中音直笛合作學習音樂學習成就學習動機班級氣氛Alto recorderCooperative LearningMusic AchievementLearning MotivationClass Atmosphere國中直笛教學實施合作學習之實驗研究An Experimental Study of Cooperative Learning on Junior High School Recorder Teaching