國立臺灣師範大學國文學系林素英2015-01-292015-01-292008/8-200http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43671鄭玄以「禮」箋《詩》,為《詩》三百之詮釋,立下相當重要之詮釋方法與進路。然而 自歐陽修首先提出「鄭氏長於禮學,其以禮家之說曲為附會。」之批評,姚際恆則激烈地 指出「人謂鄭康成長於《禮》,《詩》非其所長,多以『三禮』釋《詩》,故不得《詩》之意。 予謂康成《詩》固非長,《禮》亦何長之有!茍使真長於《禮》,必不以《禮》釋《詩》矣。」 姚氏以《詩》與《禮》毫不相聯繫,乃嚴重悖離事實。尤其〈雅〉與〈頌〉之內容,不但 包含豐富的周代史料,而且更擁有極多的禮儀用詩,確實都與禮儀制度密切相關;不過由 於鄭玄忽略禮本於俗以及人情的根本道理,因而其以禮解詩之情形,多有牽強板滯之現象, 以致受人話柄。有鑑於鄭玄以禮解詩之弊,因而本研究特別標示「禮俗及教化思想」為討 論主軸,特別著重從人類文化的現象以考察詩中的禮儀與風俗,再探求其所隱含的教化思 想。 本研究乃上承「論〈國風〉中之禮俗及教化思想—結合〈詩論〉、〈性情論〉等楚簡資 料之探討」之專題研究,繼續結合更多的郭店以及上博等戰國出土簡文資料,再對〈雅〉、 〈頌〉之詩作有系統的研究。本研究之進行,大大借重文化人類學、宗教哲學以及心理學 之相關資料,試圖掌握周人對於儀式信仰之潛在意識,以解讀其豐富的禮儀活動所隱含之 深層心理狀態,而說明《詩》蘊藏豐富的教化思想,且配合禮樂制度而同存。 本研究計畫共分兩年。第一年討論三〈頌〉、〈頌〉之本義與祭儀轉化之人文意義,同 時結合〈雅〉與〈頌〉之中有關周之先公先王至成王盛世之詩,討論其禮俗與《詩》教思 想的相關問題,第二年從有關厲王、宣王以及幽王之詩,透過臣民之美刺與期許,反襯天 子率行王道之可貴與不易,另從有關西周民風詩、朝會宴饗詩以及其他類型之詩,討論其 禮俗與《詩》教思想的相關問題,並進一步探察〈雅〉、〈頌〉之禮俗與《詩》教思想在整 體《詩》教思想的地位與價值。Thun-shyang explained “Tze-Classic"with ritual concept and system which was famous in scholar area. Thun-shyang had built up an important method for explaining and exploring approach about “Tze-Classic". Before Sou dynasty,there was without argument about Thun-shyang’s opinion. First of all, O-iangshou thought that Thun-shyang had blurred the concept between “Tze-Classic"and ritual scripture. Then, Yeau-gihung strongly thought Thun-shyang was inferior both in “Tze-Classic"and ritual scripture. Unfortunately, Yeau-gihung had made a serious mistake. Especially, the context of ‘Yai’ and ‘Sung’ include a lot of Jou dynasty historical materials and ritual poetry, which was closely connective with ritual system. Truly Thun-shyang was weak in custom and humanity. This study will instead of his blind spot to expanse humanity and want to emphasize the view of cultural anthropology. This study inherits from the “Exploring About the Concept of Ritual-Custom and Culture in Guofun—Combine With “Tzelun", “Xingchinglun” and Other Chu Slips"and expands the scope of chu slips. This study will extremely depend on cultural anthropology, religious philosophy and psychology. This study will continue two years. The first year will discuss the original meaning of ‘Sung’, the change from savagery to civilization, the concept of ritual-custom and culture in early West-Jou dynasty. The second year will discuss the poetry about late West-Jou emperor, the type of custom poetry, the court festival poetry and many other types of poetry to explore the concept of ritual-custom and culture.雅頌禮俗教化思想郭店簡上博簡文化人類學YaiSungthe concept of ritual-custom and cultureGuodian Chu SlipsShanhai Warring States Chu Slipscultural anthropology論〈雅〉、〈頌〉中之禮俗及教化思想─結合郭店簡以及上博簡文之探討Exploring about the Concept of Ritual-Custom and Culture in Yai and Sung--Combine with Guodian Chu Slips and Shanhai Warring States Chu Slips