林至誠Lin, Chih-cheng黃樓莉Huang, Lo-li2019-09-032017-7-92019-09-032012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0897210218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97901單字註解有助於字形與字義的正確連結,但是卻有可能讓學生打消推論或檢索字義的念頭。為了提升從文本中學習單字的效果,將註解與推論或檢索結合可能是一個好的解決之道。因此,本研究旨在探討這些結合對台灣學生單字學習之影響。 研究對象為台灣一百三十位不認識目標單字的大學生。每人皆讀了一篇有八個目標單字會出現三次的文章。在閱讀時,有一組四十四位學生在單字第一次出現時要推論字義,之後兩次出現則會有註解輔助閱讀;另外一組四十三位學生是單字第一次及最後一次出現時有註解輔助閱讀,但中間那一次要做字義檢索;還有一組四十三位學生則是單字每次出現時皆有註解輔助。每一組中有四位學生要做有聲思考,而他們的資料只限作質性分析之用。閱讀完後,學生馬上考了閱讀測驗、中翻英、英翻中及中選英等三種單字測驗以及填寫註解使用調查。兩週後,學生再次考了中翻英、英翻中及中選英等三種單字測驗以及填寫學習方式偏好及有用性的調查。 研究單字表現分析發現兩次註解輔助中加入字義檢索對學生單字學習最有助益、先推論再看到註解的方式遺忘率最高以及推論與檢索的正確性是一個顯著影響單字學習的因素。研究註解使用發現學生對於註解的依賴性隨著註解次數增加而減少。研究閱讀表現分析發現不同的學習方式並不會對閱讀造成顯著差異的影響、單字學習和閱讀理解沒有顯著相關、學生在閱讀有註解的段落比較會使用的全局式策略。研究偏好及有用性問卷的分析發現推論加上註解輔助是學生最喜歡以及認為對單字學習及閱讀理解最有用的方式。研究的結論為除了字義推論外,學生可以培養將字形字義做連結、檢索及確認字義的字彙學習模式運用在從閱讀中學習單字上。Glossing facilitates correct form-meaning connection but may deter students from inferring or retrieving word meaning. To enhance learning from context, combining glossing with inferencing or retrieval may be a good solution. Therefore, the study investigates effects of such combinations on EFL students’ vocabulary learning. One hundred and thirty students from a university in Taiwan participated in the study and all of them did not know the target words. They read a text with eight target words occurring three times in one of the treatment conditions. In the inference-gloss-gloss condition, 44 learners inferred the word meaning in the first word encounter and were provided with glosses for the subsequent two word encounters. In the gloss-retrieval-gloss condition, 43 learners were provided with glosses for the first and the last word encounters but they had to retrieve the word meaning in the second word encounter. In the full glossing condition, 43 learners were provided with glosses for all the word encounters. Four learners in each condition were asked to think aloud during reading and their data were managed separately for qualitative analyses. Immediately after the treatment, all of them took a comprehension test and three vocabulary posttests, including a form recall test, a meaning recall test and a meaning recognition test, and filled out a gloss use survey. Two weeks later, they took the same vocabulary posttests in a different item order and filled out another questionnaire on preference and perceived usefulness of the interventions. The analyses of their vocabulary performances showed that the gloss-retrieval-gloss condition was the most effective condition, that the forgetting rates were the highest in the inference-gloss-gloss condition, and that correctness of responses during inferencing or retrieval was a significant factor in word gain. The analyses of their gloss use showed that the learners’ reliance on the glosses decreased as the gloss encounter frequency increased. The analyses of their reading performances showed that there was neither any significant treatment difference in reading comprehension nor any significant correlation between word gain and comprehension and that the global strategies tended to be used in the glossed segments. The analyses of the preference and usefulness survey showed that glossing preceded by inferencing was the most preferred intervention and perceived to be the most useful intervention in vocabulary learning and reading comprehension. The study concludes that in addition to word inferencing, students can be cultivated to apply the word learning pattern of initial form-meaning connection, subsequent retrieval and final confirmation to their learning from context.註解推論檢索單字學習glossinferenceretrievalvocabulary learning註解前後字彙推論或檢索對單字學習之影響Effects of Glossing Preceded by Inference or Followed by Retrieval on Vocabulary Learning