陳昭儀2014-10-272014-10-271997-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17015本研究旨在探討良師引導模式之實施對於國中數理資優生之影響,以42名國中數理資優甄試升學學生為研究對象進行實證研究。本研究之工具包括:學習行為量表以及研究者自編之每週上課記錄表、成效調查表與追蹤研究調查表。所得之資料分為質與量兩部分進行分析:在量的方面,分別採t考驗、卡方考驗及百分比等方式處理;在質的方面,則針對問卷及訪談的意見進行內容分析。本研究之主要發現如下:研究對象對於本方案的價值多持肯定的態度,認為有價值者佔了絕大多數;如果再辦理此項活動,絕大多數的研究對象表示願意繼續參與,他們希望本方案能持續辦理,以造福更多學生。在心得及收穫方面,不論是老師、家長或學生多認為在此良師引導模式之實施期間獲益不少,學生在各項學習中獲得多方面的成長;老師及家長也覺得獲得學習及成長,老師有「教學相長」的感受,家長則在陪伴孩子的過程中吸收了教養資優子女的資訊。在半年後的追蹤研究中發現,學生認為參與本活動後對於進入高中之後的學業、生活、心理調適、人際關係等各方面大多有所助益。根據上述結果,本研究分別對於資優班的老師、資優生及家長、學校與未來研究方面提出可行的建議。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of mentorship on students gifted in mathematics and science. The study aimed to address an experimental study of mentorship on 42 gifted junior-high students. Instruments consisted of the "Inventory of Learning Behavior" and a self-designed "Survey of Effects of Mentorship". Obtained quantitative data were analyzed by t-test, Chi-square test, and per-centage, while the qualitative, interview data were content analyzed. Main research findings were as fol-lows: (1) In terms of the value of the project, 86.8% students showed positive attitudes. Also, most of them reported that they were willing to attend similar programs if provided again. (2) With regard to the outcome, most teachers, students, and their parents believed that a project like this was beneficial. (3) In the follow-up survey after six months, students reported that this project was benefited to their senior high school adjustment in academic, living, psychological, and interpersonal areas. Based on the above results, recommendations were made to teachers of the gifted, gifted students, their parents, and schools for future implementation and suggestions for future studies were also discussed.良師引導模式國中數理資優生MentorshipMathematics and science gifted students良師引導模式對國中數理資優甄試升學學生的影響之研究Effects of Mentorship on Students Gifted in Mathematics and Science