廖柏森Liao, Posen許雅筑HSU, YA-JHU2023-12-082023-07-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/9541795904b69b34b54543ce8218c428/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120383現今英語授課(EMI)在大專院校愈來愈受到重視,但多數臺灣學生與教師的母語並非英文,以英語授課時遇到重重阻礙,也因此有許多研究提出因應策略,其中一種便是跨語言實踐(translanguaging)。翻譯是一種跨語言實踐,但國內翻譯領域尚無研究探討EMI課堂的翻譯策略,因此筆者研究教師在EMI課堂使用的語際翻譯、語內翻譯與符際翻譯之類型、時機與影響因素,以期提供不同面向的參考依據。本研究為質性研究,筆者訪談五位受訪者,其中四位為北部國立大學教師,一位為國立科技大學教師。結果發現語際、語內與符際翻譯均會出現於EMI課堂中。首先,針對語際翻譯,雖然受訪者對語際翻譯的態度不一,教師使用時也會受到政策與教授的學科屬性影響,但有其存在的必要性。只是遇到政策限制時,可以試著以語內翻譯與符際翻譯降低語際翻譯的比例。至於語內翻譯,沒有受訪者排斥,甚至多數會優先選擇其輔助教學。而在EMI課堂不論是學生的發言或教科書都常需要透過語內翻譯增進理解,可見語內翻譯在EMI課堂相當重要。符際翻譯在教學領域常以多模態、多媒體等名詞的形式受到探討,本研究發現符際翻譯有潛力取代部分語際翻譯輔助教師解釋困難概念,不過並非每種情況都適用,且進行符際翻譯可能比較耗時,素材也可能較難取得,因此仍應視情況使用。以多媒體呈現符際翻譯時也要考慮人腦的認知處理方式設計。本研究以跨語言實踐的框架搭配翻譯理論解釋EMI課堂的翻譯現象,將各式EMI課堂的教學輔助策略歸類在語際翻譯、語內翻譯或符際翻譯進行解釋,比較不同語言、同一種語言與非語言輔助教學的效果,提供EMI課堂教學策略更多參考依據。In recent years, EMI (English-Medium Instruction) in tertiary education has received increased attention in Taiwan. However, since the majority of faculty members and students in Taiwan do not speak English as their first language, there are many obstacles to implementing EMI. Translanguaging is a way recommended by scholars to help faculty members and students better accommodate the EMI policy. Translation is a form of translanguaging, but research on translation in EMI classrooms is scant. Therefore, this study aims to explore the occurrence, timing of use, and influencing factors of interlingual, intralingual, and intersemiotic translation in EMI classrooms. This research involved five interviews with five professors in Taiwan. Afterwards, a qualitative analysis was carried out. Results in this study showed that interlingual, intralingual, and intersemiotic translation can all be seen in EMI classrooms. Firstly, with regard to interlingual translation, although participants reported countering views towards its usage, it still holds an irreplaceable position in EMI classrooms. The participants' use of interlingual translation is influenced by policy and their disciplinary affiliation. However, to meet policy needs, some proportion of interlingual translation may be replaced by intralingual and intersemiotic translation. As for intralingual translation, no participant reacted negatively toward it. Its importance was highlighted in EMI classrooms since students' oral presentations and textbook materials may need to undergo intralingual translation to enhance understanding. As for intersemiotic translation, results suggested the potential of opting for intersemiotic translation instead of interlingual translation when explaining difficult concepts. Nevertheless, this may not be the case in all situations since intersemiotic translation can be time-consuming and difficult to implement. This study explains a variety of teaching strategies in EMI classrooms under the framework of translanging using the concepts of interlingual, intralingual, and intersemiotic translation. It is hoped that these findings can assist in optimizing future EMI courses.語際翻譯語內翻譯符際翻譯跨語言實踐英語授課interlingual translationintralingual translationintersemiotic translationtranslanguagingEnglish-medium instruction臺灣大專院校教師EMI課堂上的跨語言實踐與翻譯Exploring Translanguaging and Translation Practices in English-Medium Instruction Classrooms in Taiwan's Tertiary Educationetd