林世華Sieh-Hwa Lin許慧瑜Hui-Yu Hsu2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695010018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90932本研究旨在了解國民中學導師班級經營人際層面之現況。研究目的為: 一、了解國中導師從事班級經營時,對學生的想法與互動策略。 二、了解國中導師從事班級經營時,對家長、班級科任教師、學校行政的想法與互動策略。 三、了解國中導師從事班級經營時,導師角色定位與自我因應策略。 本研究選取十位不同科別的國中教師,透過訪談的方式,進行資料蒐集。根據文獻探討、研究分析與討論,結論如下: 一、學生層面:受訪教師表示學生兼具正面及負面特質,教師應多關注其正面特質,並採用適當的方法與之互動。互動策略包括:「建立關係」、「了解學生」、「有效溝通」、「建立常規」、「適當管教」。 二、家長層面:受訪教師肯定家長的重要,並認為現在家長形形色色,因此應注意與家長的互動技巧。互動策略方面,教師強調:「親師聯絡」與「親師溝通」兩個概念。 三、班級科任教師層面:受訪教師認為導師與班級科任教師是夥伴關係;互動時,採取「配合協助」及「溝通協調」等策略。 四、學校行政人員層面:受訪教師認為行政是班級經營的支援,導師與行政各司其職照顧學生;互動時強調「不會輕易將學生送行政處理」與「直接溝通、說明需求」。 五、導師自我層面:受訪教師表示導師「工作繁複」、「角色多重」及「導師角色定位因自身的親職經驗而有所改變」。在自我因應策略上,包括「彈性與改變」、「正向詮釋」、「累積經驗」、「身心準備」、「專業成長」、「壓力調適」與「宗教信仰」。 最後依據本研究之結論,提出建議,作為國中導師、學校行政單位、教育主管機關及未來研究者的參考。This study aimed to realize the current state of interpersonal aspects of classroom management of junior high school homeroom teachers. There were three purposes in this study: 1. to find out what the homeroom teachers thought about students and how they interacted with students; 2. to find out what the homeroom teachers thought about parents, subject teachers and the administration and how they interacted with parents, subject teachers and the administration; 3. to find out what the homeroom teachers thought about themselves and the coping strategies they used when they were in classroom management. Ten teachers of different subjects were selected and interviewed to collect data. According to literature review, data analysis and discussion, results were as follows: 1.Students:Teacher surveyed indicated that students had both positive and negative characteristics, they suggestedthat teachers should pay more attention to the positive characteristics of students and use appropriate methods to interact with students. The strategies they used were: build relationships, understand students, communicate effectively, set up rules and discipline appropriately. 2.Parents:Teacher surveyed approved of the importance of parents and they mentioned that there were all kinds of parents nowadays so teachers should note the skills of interacting with parents. As for interactiive strategies, they emphasized the concept of connecting and communicating with parents. Teacher contacted with parents in different ways and they mentioned that when communicating with parents teachers should talk skilfully and clearly. 3.Subject teachers:Teacher surveyed viewed subject teachers as partners; when interacting with subject teachers, the strateies they used were assistance, communication and coordination. 4.Administration:Teacher surveyed viewed the adminstration as supports; when interacting with the adminstration, they mentioned that they seldom sent students to the administration and if in need they would communicate directly with an indication of needs. 5.Homeroom teacher self:Teacher surveyed expressed that the job they did were complicated, the roles they played were multiple, and that their role-setting of homeroom teacher has changed due to their own parenting experience. As for coping startegies, they empahsized flexibility and change, positive interpretation, experience accumulating, physical and mental preparation, professional growth, pressure adjustment and religious belief. Finally, based on the conclusion of this research above, the researcher offers some suggestions for homeroom teachers, school and educational administrative authorities and future study.導師班級經營人際層面角色定位因應策略homeroom teacherclassroom managementinterpersonal aspectrole-settingcoping strategies國民中學導師班級經營人際與自我層面之研究Research on Interpersonal Aspects of Classroom Management of Junior High School Homeroom Teacher