賴守正Lai, Shou-Cheng羅凱勻Lo, Kai-Yun2019-08-282015-08-242019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060082006I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85884摘要 本論文透過安‧萊絲的《夜訪吸血鬼》與查理斯‧波特萊爾的漫遊者之比較,來探究後現代觀光客的心態與行動。萊絲的吸血鬼與‧波特萊爾的漫遊者皆為內涵生動但形象定論模糊的角色,他們之間具有許多相似特性。本論文認為萊絲的吸血鬼與波特萊爾的漫遊者之間的相似性,正展現了後現代觀光客的特徵,並以其後現代觀光客的凝視,觀察現代都市社會的邊緣角落而賦予獨特意義。本論文分析吸血鬼與漫遊者那些近似於後現代觀光客的特點,研討其成因,並檢視補充後現代觀光客之義涵,企盼在吸血鬼文學、後現代觀光學及社會文化研究領域方面帶來一些新的討論。Abstract This thesis tries to understand the mindsets and behaviors of vampires in Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire (1976) as those of the post-tourist by comparing the vampires with Charles Baudelaire’s flâneur. Both Rice's vampires and Baudelaire's flâneurs are ambiguous figures but full of vivid meanings, and there are many similar characteristics between them. My argument is that both Rice’s vampire and Baudelairian flâneurs bear the characteristics of post-tourists, and their post-tourist gaze sheds light on the marginalized areas in the modern urban society. By analyzing these similar traits and the reasons shaping vampires and flâneurs to become post-tourists, this thesis redefines the meanings of post-tourist and aims to help bring some new discussions to the researches of vampire literature, postmodern tourism, and socio-cultural studies.吸血鬼漫遊者觀光客的凝視後現代觀光客去熟悉化美感化vampireflâneurtourist gazepost-touristdefamiliarizationaestheticization吸血鬼與漫遊者:從《夜訪吸血鬼》重構後現代觀光客之凝視The Vampire as A Flâneur: Redefining Post-Tourist Gaze in Interview with the Vampire