顧力仁Li-Jen Ku2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15670從民國44年到91年,王振鵠教授的著作共有專著37種,單篇文章358篇,根據一項就1974到1993年這二十年臺灣要圖書館學與資訊科學期刊論文引用參考文獻的研究分析,王振鵠教授是「被引用次數量最多的國內著者」。本文將先生50年來的研究成果,歸納為五項:圖書館及圖書館學的內涵、圖書館與國家政策的關係、圖書館資訊建設,圖書館行政管理、圖書館點作,並分別述其要旨。從先生的研究中可以瞭解到他對圖書館事業所秉持的信念在於:置身資訊時代,圖書館不但要堅持其基本價值觀, 同時也要在經營及觀念上隨著外在環境的需要隨時調整,才能永續經營;對於圖書資訊的本身以及使用者的需要要一體重視,不可偏廢;圖書館在服務上,當以讀者為經營之首要,以要熱誠、愛心以及耐心善盡圖書館服務人群的角色。Professor Chen-Ku Wang devoted to the librarianship on Taiwan more than fifty years. He is the most effective scholar to the librarianship in Taiwan. This paper generalized Professor Wang Chen-ku’s writings on librarianship into five parts such as the essence of library science, the construction of libraries and the national policy, the relationship of library and information services, library management, interlibrary cooperation. There are three characteristics of professor Wang’s scholarly thoughts on librarianship. Firstly, Libraries have to insist on its fundamental values to provide services in the information age. Secondly, Libraries have to emphasize on both the collections of the library and the needs of patrons. Thirdly, Patron is the most important of all in library services.王振鵠圖書館事業學術思想Chen-Ku WangLibrarianshipScholarly thought永遠秉持誠與恆的信念The Brief Introduction of Professor Chen-Ku Wang