佘健源黃浩霆Sher, Chien-YuanWong, Ho-Ting陳兆濤CHAN, SIU TO KELVIN2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c43a23db07a391d3e5b214f68828359c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120009中華人民共和國(下稱中國)與中華民國(下稱台灣)過去半世紀一直存在主權及名稱爭議,中國堅稱擁有台灣主權,而台灣在台灣本島等地則擁有實際管治權。隨著台灣持續增加對中國的依賴,例如台灣企業在中國設立廠房及中資進入台灣市場等。過往曾發生事件源於台灣企業代表發表與中國立場不乎的言論而被抵制,導致經濟利益收損。此舉增加台灣在名稱正名的成本,令台灣名稱在各領域中被修改。本研究以商業學術期刊為例,分析台灣名稱於學術期刊中被修改的情況。學術期刊為其中一個台灣名稱被修改的地方,而學術領域一般被認為是政治中立、處事嚴謹,卻存在眾多台灣名稱被修改的案例。本研究主要探討學術期刊中台灣被修改名稱情況會否隨時間或事件而改變;會否影響期刊的可信性;是否與中國持份者有關聯。本研究使用EBSCO 商學學科論為搜索引擎,以多個常被修改的台灣名稱作關鍵字搜尋近六十年作者隸屬的組織,將結果以台灣作者數目、中國作者數目、期刊影響指數、期刊出版社、期刊國家、期刊總編國家作分類並分析。結果顯示名稱被改的趨勢以及被改的種類會隨兩岸的政府政策和關係而改變,關係越好被改數目相對少、反之亦然;以影響指數及評估指標作指標,被修改名稱不會令期刊可信度下降;但難以確認被修改的文章是否中國持份者有關聯。總括而言,台灣名稱被修改當中牽涉多重商業利益,已非作者與期刊之間能夠解決的事情。台灣政府必定要從經濟、政治、教育等改善問題,團結台灣下整合國內外台資產業鏈,減低中資影響。The People's Republic of China (referred to as China hereafter) and the Republic of China (referred to as Taiwan hereafter) have been engaged in a sovereignty and name dispute for the past half-century. As Taiwan continues to increase its reliance on China, incidents have occurred in the past where Taiwanese business representatives who express views contrary to China's position faced boycotts, resulting in economic losses. This increases the cost for Taiwan to maintain its name, leading to modifications of Taiwan's name in various fields. This study examines the modification of Taiwan's name in academic journals, using business academic journals as an example. Academic field is generally considered politically neutral and rigorous. However, numerous cases exist where Taiwan's name has been modified. This study primarily investigates whether the modification of Taiwan's name in academic journals changes over time or in response to events, whether it affects the credibility of the journals, and whether itis associated with Chinese stakeholders.The study uses EBSCO Business Source Premier as the search engine and uses frequently modified Taiwanese names as keywords to search for the affiliations of authors in the past six decades. The results are categorized and analysed based on the number of Taiwanese authors, Chinese authors, journal impact factor, journal country, and nationality of the journal's chief editor, etc.. The results show that the trend and types of name modifications vary depending on the policies and relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The better the relationship, the fewer modifications. Using impact factors and evaluation indicators as benchmarks, the modification of names does not decrease the credibility of the journals. However, it is difficult to confirm whether the modified articles are associated with Chinese stakeholders. In conclusion, the modification of Taiwan's name involves multiple commercial interests that cannot be resolved solely between authors and journals. The Taiwanese government must address these issues through improvements in the economy, politics, education, and by uniting Taiwan to integrate domestic and foreign Taiwanese-owned industries, thus reducing the influence of Chinese investments.中國台灣台灣名稱自我審查ChinaTaiwanTaiwan's nameSelf-censorship台灣的名稱於學術期刊中被修改情況的先導研究:以商業學術期刊為例Preliminary Study on the Modification of Taiwan's Name in Academic Journals: A Case Study of Business Academic Journalsetd