王秀惠陳雅芬葉育婷Yeh Yu-Ting2019-08-282010-7-302019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696800563%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86488本研究主要目的在於探討與分析美國自2006 年推行AP中文以來,對當地中文學校的影響,並以南加州PV學區為主要研究場域。研究者以參與觀察及訪談相關人物的方式,輔以學術文章、研究加以佐證,欲針對目前中文學校的發展現況及在AP潮流效應下未來的方向加以觀察評析。著重的議題首先是AP中文「以中文為外語教學」的內涵目標,以及中文學校「介於母語與外語之間」的語言教學色彩,文中將舉例說明以釐清兩者的差異性,提出「應以『傳承語教學觀』看待華裔學習者的需求」之結論;第二點將探討AP中文的設立對美國中文教學走向可能帶來的「回流效應」(washback effect),認為「AP中文標準化了美國中文教學的目標」;第三個觀察重點則在於主流學校的「中文課」及中文學校的「中文班」兩者之間無論在教學目標、教學對象、教材資源、師資選擇…等各方面都大相逕庭時,兩種「學中文」的機制會產生「排擠效應」抑或能「相輔相成」?而結論是「主流學校中文課可能排擠中文學校之生源」;第四點則欲重新詮釋中文學校在面對主流社會的演變時,原來所發揮「華裔輔助性教育體系的溢出效應」的質變及其對於美國華人社會的意義,本研究認為「中文學校作為族裔資本之力量由內聚到外擴」。最後,藉由普遍用於學校行政研究的SWOTS模式,以中文學校的經營模式為探討核心,更有架構、更全面性地分析因應中文學習熱潮,中文學校可能的發展策略及方向。The main purpose of this research is the impact of AP Chinese on the Chinese Heritage Schools in the US since 2006, the first year for The College Board to establish “Chinese” as a subject of foreign languages. Based on the literature reviews and the researcher’s participation observation and personal interviews in Palos Verdes School District, South California, this research tries to analyze the current condition of Chinese schools’ development under so-called “Chinese fever”. It is divided into five aspects to discuss about this issue. First, the thesis contends that we should see the heritage learners as different approach with the foreign learners in Chinese language teaching. To lie in between L1 and L2 learners, the heritage learners should have their specific teaching and learning strategies. Second, establishing the AP Chinese is making the wash back effect for teaching Chinese in the US. It is considered that Chinese teaching is standardized by AP Chinese with 5Cs and 3M, which help all Chinese instructors clarify their teaching philosophy more clearly. Third, with the trend of Chinese learning, some school districts cooperated with the local Chinese heritage schools to set up AP Chinese programs in public schools. Will this decrease the students’ willingness to attend Chinese schools? The conclusion indicates that about 50% AP class students in Chinese schools will consider switching to public schools if AP Chinese program are available there. Fourth, this study considers that the Chinese schools are expanding their influence while the Chinese learning need is coming out from the mainstream society. They are not only associates in the ethnic communities, but becoming a role of Chinese learning resources providers in part of the local communities. In the last part, the researcher tries to analyze the development of Chinese schools and their future directions with SWOTS theory which might be a practical and useful tool of school management for more structural suggestions and details.中文熱美國AP中文中文學校僑教Chinese feverUSAAP ChineseChinese SchoolOverseas Chinese educationAP中文對美國中文學校的影響 —以南加州PV學區為主The Impact of AP Chinese on the Chinese Heritage Schools in the US: Investigate in Southern California Palos Verdes School District