國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系許全守陳順同2014-10-302014-10-302009-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35210精密製造是精密機械的基礎,而精密機械是推動發展高科技產業的關鍵,因為推動發展精密機械工業,可帶動其他產業加速升級,進而達成全面性的經濟結構調整。 因此,政府近年來積極推動精密機械產業發展,在政策的引導下已有顯著的發展,出口值與總產值均是逐年成長。經濟部也設立「精密機械工業發展推動小組」,期 望推動精密機械工業成為我國第三兆的明星產業,並發展台灣成為亞太地區精密機械之研發製造中心。 政府自跨世紀以降,積極推動國內產業升級,以提升國際競爭力,已爲機密機械工業規劃了發展的藍圖,也成立了推動小組全力為達成目標而努力。然而前景繁榮的 產業發展必須擁有充沛的人力為後盾,因此精密機械相關產業、人才培育單位、學術及研究機構,必須配合產也發展,規劃辦理人才培育工作,以提昇產業人力的 「質」與「量」,滿足企業用人需求。 除了產業界的人力培訓外,教育部自2007年起與經濟部共同推動「啟動產業人力扎根計畫」,補助34 所技專校院辦理精密機械專業人才培育計畫。此外,教育部自94 學年度起推動「最後一哩就業學程」,96 學年度推動的「產學攜手合作計畫」,行政院勞工委員會自92 學年度起推動「台德菁英計畫」,均是以產學合作的方式推動精密機械人才培訓工作。 然而,人力培育計畫為一永續工程,人力需求評估與基礎能力研究為人才培育的首要工作,其結果做為課程規劃基本資源,這樣所培育出來的人力,才能更真實地達 到「務實致用」、「教育」與「產業」供需平衡、畢業學生順利轉銜投入職場的目標。因此,本研究擬透過產業實地參觀與訪視、文獻分析、專家座談和訪談等方 法,以產業導向職能分析蒐集精密機械產業現況與未來發展的業界需求能力,其主要目的在建構精密機械產業製造的核心職能,提供技專校院等人才培育單位作為課 程發展的依據,讓學校畢業的學子能滿足企業「務實致用」的要求,減少人才供需失衡與能力需求落差,讓人才培育與產業需求確實接軌。Precision machinery is a basic element of all high-tech related industries. The development of precision machinery industry can not only promote the others, but also achieve the adjustment of economic structure of a country overall. The government in Taiwan promotes positively the development of precision machinery recent years. It has had evident achievement both in quantity of production and export year after year. Furthermore, The Committee for Precision Machinery Industry Development was established by Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1995. The aim is to promote precision machinery to be the third industry which can achieve the total output value amounts to thousand billion NT$ every year. Additionally, Taiwan can be developed to be a research and manufacture center of precision machinery industry in Asia area. In order to achieve the developed policy of the government, there are some strategies and projects of cooperation between with industry and education are being planned to enhance workforce of precision machinery by Ministry of Education in Taiwan. For example, there are 34 colleges and universities are sponsored for a project named “Open and start workforce cultivation for industry” to foster 455 students who are studying in the departments of related precision machinery in 2007. Besides, the “Last miles” project begun from 2005, the “Hand in hand cooperation plan between with industry and education” begun from 2007, the “Tai-Ger Project” begun from 2003, all of them are aimed to foster high quantity and quality workforces to fit the needs of industry development. It is important and necessary to have basic study for the needs evaluation and competency analysis before curriculum development. Therefore, by means of literacy review, penal discussion, industry visit and interview, the study is aimed to construct an industrial-based core competency framework of precision machinery. The results of the study will benefit the educational and training institute for precision machinery curriculum development. It can also achieve to promote the development of precision machinery industry.精密機械精密機械製造產業導向職能分析核心職能precision-machineryprecision manufacturingindustry-based competency analysiscore competency建構產業導向精密機械製造核心職能之研究